Czwartek, 1 lutego 2018

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REDAKCJA i Prenumerata: Czeslaw Piasta
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W dzisiejszym wydaniu

- Kalendarz Ottawski
- CBC Radio One:  'Polish death camps': Outlawing phrase will protect Poland's good name, says minister

- Listy do redakcji 
- Stan Zaborowski: List do Globe&Mail
- MSZ: Konkurs na wybór projektanta polskiego eksponatu do nowej KG NATO
- Występy Kasi Sądej w Ottawie
- Link do filmu-video z II Sympozjum im. Oskara Haleckiego 27-28 X 2017
- Wiadomości z Internetu
   - Linki do wiadomości internetowych


Pogoda dla Ottawy

Kalendarz Ottawski

Zgłoś wydarzenie wysyłając e-mail na adres:

Kalendarz Ottawski w skrócie
  • 2 luty 2018 (piątek) godz. 19:00 (7pm) - Wykład "POLSKA POLITYKA ZAGRANICZNA - GLOBALNE WYZWANIA NA 2018 ROK" - St. Paul University, 223 Main St., Ottawa (mapa)
  • 4 luty 2018, niedziela, godz. 15:00 (3pm) - Kawiarenka Literacka - Twarze Kobiet Polskich - Dom Polski SPK, 379 Waverley St.
  • 10 luty 2018, sobota, godz. 18:30 (6:30pm) - Śledzik Harcerski - Dom Polski SPK, 379 Waverley St.
  • 15 lutego 2018, czwartek, godz. 19:30 (7:30pm) - Spotkanie z prezesem Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej (IPN) dr Jarosławem Szarkiem
  • 18 lutego 2018, niedziela, godz. 11:00 - 14:00 (2pm) - Ice Fishing Derby - Constance Lake, Dunrobin (mapa)
  • 4 marca 2018, niedziela, godz. 11:00 - Msza Św. w intencji Żołnierzy Wyklętych - kościół Św. Jacka Odrowąża, 201 LeBreton St. N
  • 4 marca 2018, niedziela, godz. 16:00 (4pm) - Film fabularny "Wyklęty" - Dom Polski SPK, 379 Waverley St.
  • 22 kwietnia 2018, niedziela, godz. 15:00 (3pm) - Konkurs Recytatorski dla Dzieci i Młodzieży - Dom Polski SPK, 379 Waverley St.
Kalendarz Kościoła Św. Jacka Odrowąża
  • 27 stycznia 2018, sobota, godz. 18:00 (po mszy świętej o godz. 17:00) - "Kawiarenka" w Sali Parafialnej kościoła Św. Jacka
  • 3 lutego 2018,  sobota, po mszy o godz. 17:00  - film pt. “Ziemia Maryi”

2 luty 2018, piątek, godz. 19:00 (7pm) Wykład "POLSKA POLITYKA ZAGRANICZNA - GLOBALNE WYZWANIA NA 2018 ROK"
Adres St. Paul University, 223 Main St., Ottawa (mapa)
Organizacja: Oskar Halecki Institute in Canada

J.E.  dr Andrzej Kurnicki
Ambasador Nadzwyczajny i Pełnomocny RP w Kanadzie

Andrzej Kurnicki jest doktorem nauk ekonomicznych (praca doktorska z zakresu polityki monetarnej FED i rynku kapitałowego), specjalistą z zakresu finansów, rynków kapitałowych, bankowości prywatnej i inwestycyjnej. Jest ekspertem z zakresu opracowywania programów międzynarodowych w dziedzinie finansów, bankowości, edukacji i biznesu. Absolwent  John Hopkins University (MAS), studia podyplomowe na Harvard University i MIT.

W latach 80. i 90. XX w. zdobył doświadczenie jako doradca finansowy i inwestycyjny w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wieloletni wykładowca akademicki (Uniwersytet Warszawski, Coventry University/Łazarski University) i koordynator programów dla studentów i wyższej kadry menadżerskiej w Polsce i USA, w tym programów typu Executive MBA (Uniwersytet Walijski).
W latach 2014-16 był kierownikiem Katedry Finansów i Bankowości, a od 2016 kierownikiem Zakładu Rynków Kapitałowych Uczelni Łazarskiego w Warszawie.
Organizator wielu międzynarodowych konferencji w Polsce i USA dla kadry menedżerskiej i inwestorów prywatnych. Stypendysta Polish  Heritage  Association w Baltimore, MD, USA. Student Roberta McTeera – Prezesa Banku Centralnego (FED) w USA (Dallas). Przewodniczący rad panelowych i uczestnik forów dyskusyjnych w ponad 40 programach z zakresu finansów, bankowości inwestycyjnej i  rynków kapitałowych.

Wykład J. E. dr Andrzeja Kurnickiego jest pierwszym wykładem z serii poświęconej 100-leciu Niepodległości.

4 luty 2018, niedziela, godz. 15:00 (3:00pm)   - Kawiarenka Literacka - Twarze Kobiet Polskich
Organizacja: Federacja Polek

10 luty 2018, sobota, godz. 18:30 (6:30pm)   Śledzik Harcerski
Organizacja: Szczep Jutrzenka i Lechici

15 luty 2018, czwartek, godz. 19:30 (7:30pm)   Spotkanie z prezesem Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej (IPN) dr Jarosławem Szarkiem
Organizacja: Polska Jedność Narodowa (PJN)

Więcej szczegółów wkrótce.

Jarosław Szarek

(ur. 9 stycznia 1963 w Czechowicach-Dziedzicach) – polski historyk i publicysta, od 22 lipca 2016 prezes Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej.

Od 1981 współpracował z Miejską Komisją Koordynacyjną NSZZ „Solidarność” w Czechowiczach-Dziedzicach. W czasie stanu wojennego uczestniczył w pomocy internowanym i więzionym, kolportował i drukował podziemną prasę. W latach 1985–1989 był drukarzem Bielskiego Komitetu Oporu Społecznego (pomysłodawcą wydawania pisma „Solidarni”) oraz współpracownikiem Komitetu Obywatelskiego „Solidarności” w Czechowicach-Dziedzicach. W latach 2009–2012 był członkiem rady programowej Radia Kraków (wraz z trzema innym członkami opuścił ją w proteście przeciwko nieprzyznaniu miejsca na multipleksie dla TV Trwam).

W 1991 ukończył studia historyczne na Wydziale Historycznym Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Stopień doktora nauk humanistycznych w zakresie historii uzyskał na Wydziale Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie w 2011 na podstawie pracy pt. „Działalność Służby Bezpieczeństwa wobec młodzieży akademickiej Krakowa w latach 1970–1980”, przygotowanej pod kierunkiem prof. Ryszarda Terleckiego, której recenzentami byli prof. Andrzej Nowak i ks. prof. Jan Szczepaniak.

W latach 1992–1997 pracownik dziennika „Czas Krakowski”, w następnych latach publikował w: „Gazecie Polskiej”, „Nowym Państwie”, „Gościu Niedzielnym, „Dzienniku Polskim”, londyńskim „Tygodniu Polskim”, „Polonia Christiana” (stały współpracownik), „Gazecie Polskiej Codziennie”, „Naszym Dzienniku”, tygodniku „Źródło” (członek redakcji), dwumiesięczniku „Arcana” (członek redakcji). W latach 1998–1999 redaktor naczelny „Kroniki XX wieku: Polska i świat”.

Od 2000 roku pracownik Oddziału Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Krakowie, autor artykułów naukowych, popularnonaukowych, wystaw historycznych, warsztatów dla nauczycieli i młodzieży, dodatków historycznych do prasy, organizator konkursów historycznych, scenariuszy programów popularyzujących historię itp. Współautor serii popularnonaukowej „Z archiwów bezpieki – nieznane karty PRL” (2006–2010) oraz serii książek dla dzieci „Kocham Polskę” (2007–2016).

18 lipca 2016 Kolegium IPN rekomendowało jego kandydaturę na stanowisko prezesa Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej. 21 lipca 2016 Sejm, stosunkiem głosów 256 za, 166 przeciw i 13 wstrzymujących, wybrał go na prezesa IPN. Tego samego dnia Senat, stosunkiem głosów 59 za, 18 przeciw i 1 wstrzymujący się, zgodził się na ten wybór. 22 lipca 2016 Jarosław Szarek złożył przed Sejmem ślubowanie, obejmując urząd prezesa IPN.

W 2007 roku został odznaczony przez Prezydenta RP Lecha Kaczyńskiego Złotym Krzyżem Zasługi za zasługi w dokumentowaniu prawdy o najnowszej historii Polski.

18 lutego 2018,  niedziela, 11:30  - "Polish Review" - Polonijny program TV z Ottawy
Stacja Rogers Cable Ottawa, channel 510 (HD) oraz 22

Lutowe wydanie polonijnego programu "Polish Review"

18 lutego 2018,  niedziela, 11:00 - 14:00 (2pm) -  Ice Fishing Derby - Constance Lake, Dunrobin

Rideau Outdoor Club zaprasza:  Fishing Derby - Constance Lake, Dunrobin (mapa)

24 lutego 2018,  sobota, 11:30  - "Polish Review" - Polonijny program TV z Ottawy
Stacja Rogers Cable Ottawa, channel 510 (HD) oraz 22

Lutowe wydanie polonijnego programu "Polish Review"

4 marca 2018, niedziela, godz. 11:00   Msza Św. w intencji Żołnierzy Wyklętych

4 marca 2018, niedziela, godz. 16:00 (4pm)   Film fabularny "Wyklęty"

22 kwietnia 2018, niedziela, godz. 15:00 (3pm)   Konkurs Recytatorski dla Dzieci i Młodzieży

Kalendarz Kościoła Św. Jacka Odrowąża

Adres:  kościół Św. Jacka Odrowąża, 201 LeBreton St. N, Ottawa

Biuletyn Parafialny:

Zaświadczenia do podatku za ofiary składane w roku 2017 są do odebrania w sali parafialnej. Zestawy kopertek na rok 2018 są do odebrania na stoliku przy wejściu do kościoła. W sprawie nowych kopertek prosimy kontaktować się z biurem parafialnym. Przypominamy, że korzystanie z kopertek jest najlepszym sposobem uzyskania zaświadczenia podatkowego za składane ofiary.

Album parafialny wydany z okazji Jubileuszu 60-lecia Parafii św. Jacka będzie w sprzedaży w sali parafialnej w niedziele po mszach świętych po przerwie świątecznej od niedzieli 7 stycznia. Cena albumu wynosi $10.

GRUPA MŁODZIEŻOWA - Spotkania w każdą sobotę

Spotkanie dla młodzieży szkół średnich: w soboty o godz. 18:00,
dla studentów: o godz. 20:00.
Kontakt: Piotr Mietus, tel. 647-966-0631;

Film DVD z Misji Świętej w parafii Św. Jacka w Ottawie

TV Niezależna Polonia z Ottawy wyprodukowała DVD z pierwszej w historii parafii Misji Świętej. DVD (NTSC) z nagraniami z mszy świętych, uroczystościami pod Krzyżem Misyjnym, procesją, itd. jest dostępne do kupienie w sali parafialnej po mszach świętych u pana Jurka Palucha (w okienku z kawą).
Cena DVD:  $20
Całkowity dochód ze sprzedaży przeznaczony jest na cele parafii Św. Jacka.

3 lutego 2018,  sobota, po mszy o godz. 17:00  -
film pt. “Ziemia Maryi”

Świetnie zrobiony autorski film Juana Cotelo (Hiszpania) poruszający sprawy wiary, miłości Boga, roli Matki Boskiej i ludzkich postaw we współczesnym świecie.

CBC Radio:  'Polish death camps': Outlawing phrase will protect Poland's good name, says minister

Anna Maria Tremonti, ambasador RP dr A. Kurnicki

W środę 31 stycznia CBC Radio One w audycji The Current, prowadzonej przez Annę Marię Tremonti miał wywiad z ambasadorem RP w Kanadzie dr Andrzejem Kurnickim i bezpośrednio po wypowiedzi ambasadora redaktorka rozmawiała z Anną Bikont z "GW" oraz z Barbarą Kirshenblatt-Gimblett z Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN w Warszawie.
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett jest Dyrektorem Programowym Wystawy Stałej w Muzeum Polin.

Słuchacze tej audycji mogli się dowiedzieć z ust pani Anny Bikont jak to Polacy dokonali rzezi wszystkich Żydów Jedwabnego w liczbie wielu setek, w tym starców i dzieci a następnie spalili ich w stodole. Pani Bikont dodała, że takie mordy zdarzały się również w innych miejscowościach, gdzie Polacy wymordowali wszystkich Żydów, zabijając ich siekierami jeden po drugim i paląc w stodołach.

W tej rozmowie nie uczestniczył ambasador, który nie miał możliwości komentowania wypowiedzi obu pań.

Całość wysłuchać można w wersji dźwiękowej na portalu CBC:

Tam też jest niezbyt dokładny transkrypt z tej audycji. Zalecam wysłuchanie wersji dźwiękowej a tej strony.

Wersja dźwiękowa jest również pod linkiem:

Gdyby były problemy z dźwiękiem, wtedy sugeruję ściągnięcie na swój komputer całej audycji w formacie pliku MP3 z linku:  Następnie wysłuchać od minuty 47:14 (47 minut i 14 sekund). Można wtedy również łatwiej powtarzać wysłuchiwanie dowolnych fragmentów.

Krótkie dane biograficzne dwóch rozmówczyń.

Anna Bikont (ur. 1954) - dziennikarka “Gazety Wyborczej”, reporterka i pisarka.
Jej siostra Maria Kruczkowska jest również dziennikarką w "GW". Ich matka, Wilhelmina Skulska (pierwotnie Lea Horowitz), przedwojenna komunistka, w latach 1948-1956 należała do głównych piór “Trybuny Ludu”, zaś ojciec, Andrzej Kruczkowski, w latach 30. redagował komunizujące pismo literackie “Sygnały”, a w PRL pracował w dyplomacji.

Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (born September 30, 1942 in Toronto, Ontario) is a scholar of Performance and Jewish Studies and a museum professional. She was born in Canada during the Second World War to Jewish immigrants from Poland. Professor of Performance Studies at New York University since 1981 (and distinguished University Professor since 2002), she is best known for her interdisciplinary contributions to Jewish studies and to the theory and history of museums, tourism, and heritage. She is currently Program Director of the Core Exhibition for the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.

Dla "odtrutki" tematu Jedwabnego w wersji pani Bikont, proponuję obejrzenie filmu dokumentalnego w TV Republika „Jedwabne – Naoczni Świadkowie – Spisane Świadectwa – Pominięte Fakty”. Film ten będzie powtórzony w sobotę oraz w niedzielę. W tej chwili jeszcze nie są znane godziny emisji - podam, gdy tylko się dowiem.

Program tygodniowy TV Republika można znaleźć na stronie:
UWAGA: program ulegnie zmianie, gdyż dodane dodane zostaną sesje z filmem dokumentalnym o Jedwabnem. Sprawdź w piątek wieczorem.

Przypominam, że
TV Republika można oglądać bezpłatnie na portalu tej stacji

Inną "odtrutką" może być: Stefan Tompson - A Response to Israel

PILNE: Kancelaria Premiera: Oświadczenie premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego

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Poniżej transkrypt z portalu CBC

AMT: Hello I'm Anna Maria Tremonti and you're listening to The Current.


We are introducing a set of new better legal instruments which will help us to pursue historical truth to protect Poland's good name, anywhere in the world where it is slandered, shown in a false light or when Poslish history is distorted.

AMT: Or the history in question is about the holocaust. That was Poland's justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro who is speaking in Warsaw last week about a controversial new bill. It would outlast statements blaming the Polish state for atrocities committed in Nazi occupied Poland during the Second World War. Of course Poland was the site of several German Nazi death camps, including Auschwitz-Birkenau where approximately 1 million Jews were systematically slaughtered during the Holocaust. This proposed law would make it illegal to refer to those death camps as Polish death camps. The bill passed the country's parliament last week but must still gain the approval of the Poland's Senate and its president Andrzej Duda. Meanwhile the Polish Center for Holocaust research has expressed what it calls deep concern about this proposed legislation, saying it will muzzle discussion about the country's history. Other critics say this is just the latest move by the right wing ruling Law and Justice Party to downplay Polish complicity during the Second World War. The bill has also come under strong criticism from Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had this to say about it on Sunday.


We will,under no circumstances, accept any attempt to rewrite history. We will accept no limitation on truthful historical research.

AMT: Well in a moment we'll hear more about the history but first I'm joined by the Polish ambassador to Canada Andrzej Kurnicki. He is in our Ottawa studio. Hello Mr. Ambassador.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: Hello. Good morning.

AMT: Good morning. Why does the Polish government feel the need for this legislation?

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: It's a very important legislation. The new legislation is an amendment to the existing Polish law, if I recall, in the 1998, protecting the so-called collective memory against the defective console memory. It just simply important for the Poles, as well as for the Polish Jews, to support and even agree that this law will provide the basic justice to reflect the true relate to the Holocaust as well as the crime committed by the German soldier. That's the move. And I would say that's my position to the right direction to really reflect the true and not to limited researches or the artistic expression related to Holocaust. Holocaust in Poland is the crime. So denial of the Holocaust in Poland is a crime in Polish law subject not only defined but also to restrictions of liberty. So we protect their memory, collective member of the Polish citizen and the Jewish citizen related to the Holocaust.

AMT: So you have concern with linking the Polish government, Polish officials with the actual death camps, like the phrase 'Polish death camps.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: The is unacceptable but it's not true. It's not reflect the historic data and all this memory bein passed to the survivors of the Holocaust. There was a polish death camps, there was the German death camps. Even UNESCO, if I may recall, in 2007 the reviews the name of the Auschwitz and today under UNESCO it is the Auschwitz-Birkanau German Nazi concentration and extermination camp, that is the precise name

AMT: Okay. Many historians obviously agree with you that Polish death camps is inaccurate because, as you point out, they were...

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: Not inaccurate, it is misleading.

AMT: Yes. Okay. Let me ask you. That's fine. But why do you have to criminalize it?

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: Because it's not reflections the pain been suffered by the Jewish and under Polish under the German occupy army. So there is no penalty being used like in case of denial of the Holocaust. That's the same story. So we want it reflect the true and want the younger generation, in particular, to make sure that the true being related to the facts what happened before.

AMT: Why don't you just educate them?

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: It is a crime, denied the crime against the Jews and against the Poles by many people. So easy reflect the history or try to change some of the facts is against the law. It's against humanity. These are our reflection and that's our position to stand of this issue.

AMT: So let me ask you the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls this an attempt to whitewash history.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: No it's not whitewash. It's a simply once again to introduce the law that will protect the true. Let's reflect the suffer of the Jewish people under the Holocaust in the German Nazi concentration camp. We are not deny the Holocaust. As I say, it's a crime in Polish law to deny the Holocaust. We want protect the memory of the Jewish people. I met a lot of them in Canada, also the survivor, and they agree that the the German committed this crime against. So we aren't pro-tect. I understand the Israeli Prime Minister sort of emotion, some of the unexpectedly raised some questions related to this law but we want to protect. We want to protect this history and the facts in Poland nobody will have a different interpretation, unless it is artistics or research done by scientific research. So we allow this. There will be not criminalise or any penalty related to the folks who focus on their research stuff or artistic.

AMT: Many Poles were in fact responsible for violence against Jews in the run up to and during the time of the Second World War and the Holocaust or complicit in Nazi crimes. How do you reconcile that?

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: Not complicit, I would say. We not collaborate with Nazi. We not collaborate with the German army against the Jews or against the Poles. There was some individual, I agree, that may behave not the way that we expect but the Poles pay the price.

AMT: In a book by, of all people Martin Gilbert, on Holocaust the 900 page book I'm talking about. He points out that, in 1936 before the war, the Polish Ministry of Commerce in Warsaw ordered all shops in Poland to include as part of a sharp sign the name of the owner as it appeared on the birth certificate. So it made the fact that the owner was Jewish obvious to everyone in Poland and it provided an incitement for anti-Semites.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: It is difficult for me to reflect upon this statement that your raise because I am not a historian.

AMT: Martin Gelbard is - was.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: Okay if it's happened, it's a shame. It could happened.

AMT: The reason I'm asking you because in the lead up to the Second World War we do know that there were Polish officials who were anti-Semitic and who actually were part of that. That whole change in the way the population viewed Jews. We also know, according to Laurence Weinbaum, the director of the Israel Council on Foreign Relations, that local authorities were left intact in occupied Poland and many officials exploited that power, according to him, in ways that proved fatal to Jewish constituents.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: I would say in my town, I am coming from the eastern part of Poland. There was organisations that was helping the Jews and the rescues their lives. Our pastor in my town was killed by the Germans army for helping Jews. That is the fact

AMT: Well fair enough, Sir. No one is arguing that there were not Poles who were slaughtered as well by the Nazis or did not do their best to try to help those in power. But is it not fair to point out that at that time of war there were people who chose different sides.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: I Would say there was people, individuals, but not representative of the community, not the government. The Poland government in exile issued a law that any crime committed against the Jews would be punished by the death. And there were some executions done by the underground structure, called the Home Army, against all this individuals who act against the Jews and act also against the Christians and the Poles. The war bring a lot of brutal actions from different stuff. There were also some individuals [unintelligible] tried to explode the Jews as Poles. That individuals was punished by death and a lot of execution was done by the Polish underground structure. That's a fact. We also understand that some individuals act against hopeless Jews or the Poles. But as a government, as a community was condemned any act there was directed against the Jews against the Poles. That is just a fact

AMT: Can I ask your response to the fact that some of your critics point out that this is coming under the new Law and Justice party. It is right wing and this is not really about back then. This is about today. This is about the politics of today and anti-Semitism today.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: No it is not anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism are not the part of the Polish life, of our community or our churches. anti-Semitism is against the law and against the human being we are not except. There may be some individuals sometimes expressed the view that we not accept as a society as a community. And I will say the party of Law and Justice, it's not the party of right wing. It's much more central socially type of oriented party - I would say - but not the right wing. There is a lot of also Polish with Jewish descent being member of the Peace party. There is a lot of Jews with Polish citizens, pridely represent in Parliament. Highly officials being also related to the Jewish family. We have extended relations between the Jews and the Polish in Poland and outside of the Poland. It's not right wing. The law will bring the justice to make sure that this basic justice is a reflection of the truth related to the Holocaust. We never denied the Holocaust. It's against the Pol... It's a crime in Poland's to deny holocaust. I want to stick to this.

AMT: Mr. Ambassador we thank you for your time today.

ANDRZEJ KURNICKI: Thank you very much.

AMT: That is Andrzej Krunicki. He is the Polish ambassador to Canada and he joined us from our Ottawa studio. My next two guests have dug deep into the history of relations between Poles and Jews. Both fear this bill could harm rather than help in the search for truth and understanding. Anna Bikont is a journalist with the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. She is the author of The Crime and the Silence, a book about the 1941 massacre of Jews by their Christian neighbours in the town of Jedwabne. And Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett is a Canadian-American author and a scholar of Yiddish and Jewish Studies. She's also chief curator of the Core Exhibition at Warsaw's POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, which is built on the side of the former Warsaw ghetto. And Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett in New York. Hello to you both.



AMT: Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, I will start with you. The ambassador insists this is about correcting the historical record and making sure that it is understood. What do you think of what he had to say?

BARBARA KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT: Well my position is very simple and that is criminalization of speech is not the best way to address the issue of historical truth, but rather open debate and education are much more effective. And we can see that this amendment to the earlier Act, the 1998 Act, is actually having the reverse effect. It is creating a very negative image of Poland. It is creating a backlash and it will have very negative repercussions in terms of a chilling effect on the scholarship, artistic expression, even though those are at least technically exempted from this kind of legislation. So legislating historical truth, from my point of view, is the wrong course of action.

AMT: Anna Bikont. What do you think of this proposed new bill?

ANNA BIKONT: I think that it is very sad. Not maybe very dangerous but very sad. Because you know all the story about the Polish concentration camp, it doesn't make any sense. You know maybe some time it happened and someone told someone say Polish concentration camp because he forgot that the German did the Holocaust. But I think that maybe he know it happened maybe once in three years, two years. But normally if the people use Polish concentration camps, they use it that it was concentration camp in Poland and not in, for example Theresien in Czechoslovakia. And our Polish nationality Jan Karski who helped the Jews and told the world had the Jews were killed by the Germans. He always talk about Polish concentration camps you know. So it's this, but this doesn't make any sense. It's about to provoke the reaction that 'We are the victims. We are the poor Poles and all the world about [unintelligible] we were the prosecutor and we were the heros'. And I saw, you know it was immediately after the bill, a wave of anti-Antisemitism in Potland. On the public television, the commentator who said talks about the Holocaust out and semite remarks.

AMT: You know I want to pick up on the idea of the use of that phrase because that is where the government's taking particular exception to and it has been a lightning rod for a while. Former U.S. President Barack Obama used it in 2012. Let's listen to what happened.


REPORTER: A slip up President Obama has infuriated Polish political leaders. The White House says the President misspoke during yesterday's Medal of Freedom ceremony when he referred to a Polish death-camp instead of a German death-camp, while honouring the memory of a Polish resistance fighter during World War Two.

BARACK OBAMA: Before one trip across enemy lines, resistance fighters told him that Jews were being murdered on a massive scale and smuggled them into the Warsaw ghetto in a Polish death camp to see for himself.

VOICE 1: The president misspoke. He was referring to Nazi death camps in Germany occupied Poland and then as we've made clear we regret the misstatement.

VOICE 2: He said the Polish death-camp. He never suppose to say that. I know there was mistake but it's very hurt us.

VOICE 3: Poland was invaded by the Nazis and Polish people were imprisoned in death-camps too. There were no Polish death-camps. There were Nazi Death-camps.

VOICE 4: We didn't do that. It was the Nazis that did that. It was the Nazis and he should know this. He's really making it bad for Poland.

AMT: Well President Obama quickly apologized for using that term. Barbara Kirshenblatt, why has that phrase become such a focal point?

BARBARA KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT: Will you know it's fascinating and this is something that Anna Bikont just said that is Barack Obama was talking about Jan Karksi. And Jan Karski referred to Polish death-camps. It in an article. It is the headline. It is the title of an article. So in a sense it's actually an historically accurate reflection of Jan Karski's language and Jan Karski is a great hero. He is somebody who risked his life to bring knowledge of the Holocaust to the world when it was actually happening and that's the irony of this situation. From my point of view Polish death-camps is basically a shorthand. It means death camps in Portland. What's happened is that somehow it has been construed as making Poland as a state responsible for these death-camps which is very unfortunate because clearly that's not the case. However what has basically happened is that by criminalizing this phrase it's actually reinforced it. And rather than having the effect that is intended which is to educate people to what actually happened during the Holocaust in relationship to Germany, in relationship too- There was no Polish state. There was a Polish government in exile. There was a Polish underground state and it should be noted that the Polish underground state had created a separate department specifically to help Jews known by its code name, Zegota. I would rather see an effort to educate than to legislate.

AMT: Just remind us as well, Poland was occupied on two sides in the Second World War. The Germans and the Russians divided up, did they not?


AMT: So you don't have a problem with the Polish government of today making that distinction of that history.

BARBARA KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT: Well. Right. How can I say? I think that the historical truth is not to be legislated and statements are not to be criminalized. That for me is the bottom line and that there is a wider issue which is the historical policy and the politics of history in relation to the current government. And that is a wider issue so that for example during the presidential campaign which Andrzej Duda won, he spoke of what he called- He actually campaigned on the slogan Down with the Pedagogy of Shame. In other words he was holding the previous centre right government responsible for acknowledging the crimes of Polish citizens in Jedwabne against Jews.

AMT: Well let's talk about Jedwabne. Anna, you can give us the history of that, what happened?

ANNA BIKONT: Jedwabne in [unintelligible] in 1941 the Polish inhabitants of Jedwabne killed all the Jews in Jedwabne, all the population it was hundereds of people. And elderly and children and all the people and burning them in the barn. And it was not only in Jedwabne, it was few days before in this small town of [unintelligible] also all the Jews were burning in a barn. And two days before in a small village [unintelligible] all Jews were killed by Poles with axes, one by one. And the killings happen many many small towns of [unintelligible] Eastern Poland. When [unintelligible] neighbours about this event, no one really knew before. In 2000 it was a huge event and we started to talk a lot about it. Really I was so proud of my country that we were so brave to confront with the past. And I think that something was once done is done, but it is not [unintelligible]. Now we have a real backlash. The minister of education, she said that she did not know who did the Jedwabne crime and who did the [unintelligible] crime. It was the crime after they war, 1946, when Poles killed 46 Jews after the war.

AMT: Can I ask you then, Anna Bikont, how much of this is related to the new government in power, then? This kind of feeling. What are you watching for in government What are you seeing?

ANNA BIKONT: It's not it's not so easy to say because of course it's good to say oh because we have bad governments. But no we have bad government because people chose to vote for them. And people chose to vote for them, for- I think that big part of it, of the popularity it was about history. It was too difficult for people and they wanted a party who had told 'The Poles were perfect. We are one only hero. We never did anything wrong.' The backlash was before. This government was chosen because not only but because of it. It was incredible that we had a presentation of a would be president. Yes in television and the first question they ask together [unintelligible]. And the first question and the now president Andrzej Duda ask to president Bronislaw Komorowski, the president that we had before, is why he apologise for Jedwabne. So he knew that it is important for people to not apologize for Jedwabne, for not talking about the time that the Poles committed- the time of the holocaust

AMT: Let's just get Barbara to jump in here too. We want to pick up where Anna is going with this. What does this tell us about this government and the mood in Poland right now?

BARBARA KIRSHENBLATT-GIMBLETT: Well basically I would say that this government- The phrase that I would use, and Adam Mitnick in an interview, some years ago, talked about the triumphalism of innocence. That I would see is this government's answer to the pedagogy of shame. And this triumphalism of innocence is very linked to this government's historical policy which is to celebrate the Polish nation, basically to promote patriotism. We can see it around the debates over the Museum of the Second World War. We can see it in the way in which the curriculum is being reshaped. We can see it in commemorations we can see it in many many ways. And so it is an historical policy which is to promote - well to protect the good name of Poland - but this is not the way to do it. If anything these legislative measures, these attempts to legislate what can and cannot be said are actually destroying the good name of Poland. It is having the exact opposite effect and it will not help us, in Poland, to have the kind of open debate and open scholarship. It's not simply a matter of scholars reading for each other in you know in obscure academic journals. It's rather what Anna was saying that after the publication of young grossers books and other books from the year 2000, it opened up public debate. That's where it matters in an open society.

AMT: We have to leave it there but thank you both for your perspective on this.


ANNA BIKONT: Thank you.

AMT: I've been speaking with Anna Bikont a journalist with the Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. She's the author of the book The Crime and the Silence. She joined us from Warsaw. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett is the chief curator of the Core Exhibition at Warsaw's POLIN the Museum of the history of Polish Jews. We reached her in New York City today. That is our program for today. Stay with Radio 1 for Q. The best selling Canadian author of young adult fiction Kelley Armstrong joins Tom power today to talk about her new book. Now after this discussion of Polish and Jewish history we leave you with some music from the Yiddish speaking singer/songwriter Wolf Krakowski. He's the child of Polish-Jewish Holocaust survivors. He was born in 1947 in an Austrian camp for displaced persons. The family moved to Canada. He grew up in Toronto and here he is performing the song Warsaw. I'm Anna Maria Tremonti. Thank you for listening to The Current.


[Song: Warsaw by Wolf Krakowski]

Listy do redakcji

Subject:     List do Globe&Mail
From:     Stan Zaborowski <>

Szanowni Czlonkowie PJN i Sympatycy,

PJN prawie nigdy nie klopocze Panstwa jakimis zadaniami do wykonania. Jednakze tym razem prosimy o masowy udzial w akcji protestacyjnej.

List ponizszy zostal wyslany kilka dni temu do Globe&Mail jako protest przeciwko ich artykulowi “What happened to Poland?” z wydania z 2018-01-24. Jezeli Panstwo uwazacie, ze zgadzacie sie z trescia listu, bede wdzieczny za wyslanie “endorsement” do G&M oraz o przeslanie zawartosci tego maila do jaknajwiekszej listy znajomych z nastepujaca notatka:

Czytelnicy ponizszego listu proszeni sa o wyslanie “endorsements” do Globe and Mail (na oba podane adresy), o brzmieniu jak ponizej lub innym, zawierajacym podobne przeslanie. Prosze dodac wlasny komentarz, jezeli takowy sie nasuwa.

I endorse Mr.Zaborowski’s letter to you concerning the article by Paul Waldie entitled  “What happened to Poland?”  and share Mr.Zaborowski’s indignation about the article’s content and tone.  

Nasza masowa reakcja na antypolonizmy jest szczegolnie potrzebna dzisiaj, wobec kontrowersji wokol nowelizacji ustawy o IPN. Dlatego prosze o szerokie rozeslanie tego listu do znajomych aby i oni napisali do redakcji G&M. Nie jest potrzebne zalaczanie listu, poniewaz adresaci dokonale wiedza, o jaki artykul chodzi. Wystarczy krotki “endorsement”.

Stanislaw Zaborowski

Ottawa, 2018-01-29

Open letter to

Mr.David Walmsley – Editor-in-Chief
The Globe and Mail

Dear Mr.Walmsley,

Subject: Paul Waldie’s article about Poland, G&M 2018-01-24

Your paper seldom devotes space to Poland, the country of origin of nearly 1 million Canadians, but, when it does, the message is usually negative, biased and often ill-informed. The article by Paul Waldie in the 24 of January 2018 issue, “What happened to Poland?”, is no exception.

Mr.Waldie describes Poland as a country governed by an extreme right-wing party, which is xenophobic, autocratic, anti-democratic and anti-European, to the point where its citizens tremble with fear and, on occasion, commit self-immolation.

I've left Poland when I was 26. I visit Poland often. I know the country well, have spent there a couple of weeks as recently as last November, spoke to many people, read the local press (which I read regularly from here anyway), and must conclude that the article has little to do  with reality. I will go through it in detail, but, for the benefit of Mr.Waldie, I will start with a bit of a background.

Just over two years ago the Law&Justice party (PiS), a moderate Christian democratic party, won a majority in the Polish parliament. It was the first majority since the fall of Communism in 1989.

The party, which calls itself right-wing, is, actually, a hybrid. It supports free-market, but is socialistic in some economic policies (e.g. it re-nationalized a big chunk of banking) and on some social matters (it introduced a massive child support and increased the minimum wage), conservative on moral issues, and centrist on some other points. In the electoral campaign it committed itself to, among other things:

a) reforming of the judiciary,
b) bringing the retirement age back to where it has always been in Poland (65 for men, 60 for women),
c) curtailing corruption,
d) stopping the sellout of “crown” enterprises and re-Polonizing some banks (pretty socialistic, wouldn’t you agree?),
e) introducing pro-demographic measures, among them 500 PLN (around CAN$180) per month bonus for every second and next child, and building affordable housing for young couples (very socialistic!),
f) trimming the exorbitant pensions of ex-functionaries of the Communist police and the internal security personnel.

The popularity ratings of PiS, around 36% at the time of the election, approach today 50%. It is rising because, unlike all the previous governments, PiS is delivering on its promises.

The reforms of the judiciary, but also those curtailing corruption and reducing the pensions of the ex-employees of the apparatus of terror, are very popular among the voters, but they step on the toes of the establishment and produce thousands of sworn enemies.

Example 1: Private media

The previous government of Mr.Tusk (now the president of the European Council), kept the media happy and pro-government by giving them tens of millions for advertising public institutions and crown corporations. The ads were entirely unnecessary, but provided a legal way of bribing the media, which, in return, instead of keeping an eye on the government hands, watched and criticized the then opposition, that is PiS.

The bribing ended with the October 2015 parliamentary election. It was a hard landing - the media were suddenly left to their own devices and had to wean off the public tit. You can imagine how they love PiS for this.

If you are looking for a vicious critic of the government, just go to any private paper, TV or radio station and, most likely, you will not be disappointed. There is only one major paper and 2 weeklies that are rather friendly toward PiS.

Example 2: VAT

Through simple measures, such as firm instructions to the customs and police personnel, statistical analysis of VAT remittances and refunds (VAT is similar to GST),  and the introduction of tougher penalties for tax crimes, the National Revenue’s earnings have risen by some 10 billions CAN$ annually on VAT alone. Hundreds of criminals were charged and arrested and many more will be charged in the future. Among these criminals are government employees and even some politicians, as well as crooked businessmen, who bribed them under the “watchful eye” of the Tusk’s government. Again, thousands of enemies added to the list.

Examples 3: Judiciary

When the Communist regime formally ended in Poland in 1989, a degree of clean-up of the public institutions from the old party, secret services and police operatives took place, but some areas were left untouched, among them the courts and tribunals of all levels, in spite of their notoriety in supporting the Communist power in the past. The judicial establishment was supposed to “cleanse itself”, as some prominent judges predicted at the time.

Well, it did not. 29 years later the Supreme Court, for instance, still has judges who used to sentence members of the Solidarity movement before the year 1989. A peculiar system, unknown anywhere else in the world, of judges appointing new judges without any input from the society, government or parliament, thus perpetuating the post-Communist clique in the judiciary through nepotism and cronyism, only now is being dismantled through the reforms, introduced recently by PiS. Inefficiency, corruption, incompetence, arrogance and servilism of the degenerated justice system are reflected in the fact that some 80% of the Polish society has a negative view of it.

Those who oppose the reforms, often with their own ax to grind, come from among the remaining 20%. Anti-reform demonstrations, initially sizeable, have fizzled out, in spite of the efforts of the “total opposition” block, the self-proclaimed saviours of democracy in Poland, consisting of several opposition parties as well as some other political movements not represented in the parliament.

The society’s verdict is merciless: the recent polls consistently give 45 - 50% of committed voters to PiS and 15 - 17% to the main opposition party. The rest slide toward the 5% parliamentary threshold or are already below it.

The anti-PiS citizens’ movement KOD (“committee for the defence of democracy”), whose rallies in Warsaw two years ago would attract 50,000 people, self-destructed through corruption at the top (the leader and his cronies helped themselves to the collected donations) and through allowing some disreputable politicians (such as ex-officers of the Communist secret police) to march with them side by side, but mainly through the absence of any political or social program. The only program KOD could come up with is the call to topple the PiS government. Now their rallies bring together a few hundreds or less.

In the meantime Polish economy undergoes an explosive growth, wages increase, “crown” corporations, cleansed from the inept previous parties’ appointees, replaced with professionals, begin producing profits and expand, deficit virtually disappears, the defense budget is brought to the required by NATO level of 2% of GDP and will increase to 2.5% in a few years, poverty, significant only 2 years ago, is practically eliminated, and many Poles living abroad start trekking back to find their place (and jobs) in the new Poland.

This is the situation in Poland today. Now let me go back to your article.

Mr.Waldie starts with a dramatic description of the suicide of a man, who killed himself “accusing the ruling Law and Justice Party of trampling on human rights, gagging the media and using the police to maintain its hold on power”, as Mr.Waldie put it.

A sad event, no doubt. Naturally, the opposition made a major media event out of it. Opposition politicians as well as their followers laid flowers where the man has died. But was his death justified? Were his claims true? Let’s look at the facts.

“Trumpling on human rights”:   Substantive human rights are:

Right to life  
Freedom from torture
Freedom from slavery
Right to a fair trial
Freedom of speech
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
Freedom of movement

Lets add to it the freedom of political activities, freedom to exercise one’s sexual preference, etc.

All the above rights and freedoms unquestionably exist in Poland. Life is protected (even in the womb), there is no torture, no slavery, there is the right to a fair trial (how fair the actual trial is depends on the professional standard of the judge and the prosecutor, but this is another matter), there is freedom of speech, thought, conscience and religion, freedom of movement, political activity, sexual preference.

There is not a single person imprisoned for political activities (fascism excepted), not a single journalist, not a single homosexual or other LGBTQ person, not a single person for the following of any religion, etc. etc.

Streets of Polish cities witness profusion of political demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, all protected by the police, usually without any interventions, unless there is violence, in which case police uses the most humane and gentle tactics. To my knowledge not once did the police use tear gas since the election. It wasn’t like that under Mr.Tusk: police used not only tear gas, clubs and goons, but, on at least one occasion, during the miners’ demonstration, rubber bullets were fired at the workers and serious bodily harm resulted.

“Gagging the media”:  
This accusation is absurd. There are many private TV channels, plenty of private newspapers and periodical (75% foreign controlled), many radio stations, nearly all supporting the opposition for the reasons explained earlier, or neutral. There is absolutely no censorship in Poland. There is no interference into what appears in the media. The only media controlled by the government is the public TV (TVP) and the public radio (PR). The public media share of viewers or listeners is small in relation to the rest of the media.

“Using the police to maintain its hold on power”:   
Another entirely nonsensical claim. While police is usually present during demonstrations, especially if there is a risk of confrontation, e.g. when a parallel counter-demonstration is scheduled nearby, the conduct of the police is usually exemplary.

During the demonstration in front of the Parliament on the 16 of December 2016, because the security forces would not be provoked into a more brutal action, one of the the demonstrators  lied on the ground and pretended to be hurt by the police. After the foreign TV cameras recorded his act, he got up, dusted off his coat and walked away. The whole thing was filmed on someone’s cell phone and became a video-joke in Poland for weeks and months. The foreign TV stations, however, undisturbed, broadcasted the fake news all over the world, adding to it the use of tear gas, which was another fake.

Interestingly, the supposed police victim and the main clown in this farce, identified as Mr.Wojciech Diduszko, was the husband of Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska, one of the leaders of the Political Critique and a colleague of Mr.Sierakowski, quoted by Mr.Waldie as his (presumably reliable) source. Some reliability, Mr.Waldie.

In short, the man who committed suicide described by Mr.Waldie died for nothing. This is why it is reasonable to assume that he was mentally deranged and the “trumpling on human rights, gagging the media and using the police to maintain its hold on power”, to quote Mr.Waldie again, was a product of his irrational imagination.

Mr Waldie devoted so much space to the above suicide in Warsaw as if it were a particularly significant event, but suicides are a fact of life. Does Mr.Waldie know how many of our fellow Canadians commit suicide each year, for a variety of reasons? The number is 3,500. Ten a day. Canada's regional rate of 71.0 (per 100,000 population) in Nunavut would place Nunavut second highest in the world if it were a country. A silver medal for Canada. In the age group between 15 and 19 years old males the suicide rate is even worse, nearly one in a hundred per annum among Inuits. This is alarming, isn’t it? How many articles did Mr.Waldie write about suicide epidemic in Canada’s North? Or, is the suicide of a depressed Warsaw man more important than a suicide of an Inuit?

After having spent a big part of his article on the above suicide, illustrated with photographs, Mr.Waldie moves on to the Independence Day March of November 11, 2017.

Press around the world, including G&M, reprinted the article by Vanessa Gera of AP, which depicted the event as a march organized by the extreme right and, beside some ordinary Polish citizens, attended by racists, xenophobes etc. Shortly thereafter, perhaps inspired by the Gera’s article, which raised by then an international furore, Guy Verhofstadt, one of the bonzas of the European Commission, went even further. He said:

“... on Saturday 60,000 fascists marched in the streets of Warsaw –- neo-Nazis, white supremacists. I’m not talking about Charlottesville in America, I’m talking about Warsaw, Poland, 300 kilometres more or less from (World War II Nazi German death camps) Auschwitz and Birkenau.”

One of the marchers, a black naturalized Pole of the name Bawer Aondo-Akaa, along with some other participants and organizers, are suing Verhofstadt for his words.

The march was actually a peaceful demonstration of Polish patriotism and pride. While there were some inappropriate banners, carried by marginal groups who took advantage of the march to promote their extreme views, or perhaps some provocateurs, the overwhelming proportion of the marchers were ordinary Poles, often with families, war veterans in wheelchairs, young people with Polish flags, etc, and calling it the march of fascists was grossly incorrect. If the minister Blaszczak called it “a beautiful sight”, he was right. For a Polish patriot and a Catholic, which he is, to see this sea of Polish flags and thousands of happy people, marching in harmony and carrying banners with the words “We want God” must have been a beautiful sight. What is wrong with that?

But Mr.Waldie, who, I suspect, has never been to Poland, knows better. According to him, or, should we say, according to his “reliable sources”, which include such marginal groups as Mr.Sierakowski’s Political Critique and Never Again of Mr.Pankowski, “Law and Justice has created a climate where extremism is socially accepted”. Really? Could Mr.Waldie offer some tangible evidence? But who needs evidence? Mr.Waldie goes on in his synthesis, based on his “reliable sources”:

“There is not much room for political opposition in Poland these days as the country embraces the social conservatism of Law and Justice that is transforming nearly every aspect of society and sending shock waves across Europe. Few Europeans saw this coming and most find it hard to fathom that a country such as Poland – once considered a prosperous and progressive darling of the European Union – could drift so quickly toward populist authoritarianism.”

Here Mr.Waldie hits the bull’s eye right in the first sentence. Indeed, “there is not much room for political opposition in Poland”, but, contrary to his suggestion, there is no mystery about it.  Both opposition parties that have ruled Poland in coalition in the previous 8 years are so discredited for their ineptitude, for the total lack of any constructive policy, and for the corruption (someone counted the corruption affairs of those 8 years and came up with the number 117, nearly all quashed or never prosecuted, of which not even one ended with a conviction), that their combined support today oscillates around 20%, which is less than half of what PiS get in the polls. Considering, that another significant opposition party, Nowoczesna (“The Modern one”), after a meteoric rise to over 20% in 2016, is now below the parliamentary threshold of 5%, indeed, “there is not much room for political opposition”.

The “shock waves across Europe”, sent, according to Mr.Waldie, by the Polish conservative political scene, are not caused so much by the conservatism of PiS, but rather by its policy of putting the national interest ahead of the past ill-conceived political correctness, practiced by Donald Tusk. In his case it was justified by the reward he received - his nomination to the presidency of the European Council - but from the point of Polish interest, it was a disaster.

Europe will recover from Mr.Waldie’s “shock waves”, when it accepts the fact, that Poland is an independent country and will not tolerate excessive interference in its internal affairs from such unelected, arrogant figures as the constantly intoxicated president of the European Commision Juncker or his grotesque deputy Timmermans, both bearing a big part of the responsibility for Brexit. Following the recent meetings with them, both the Polish president and the prime minister concluded, that the formulated by Mr.Timmermans critique of the Polish judiciary reforms, the basis for the “Article 7” proceedings against Poland, shows Mr.Timmermans’ misunderstanding of legal points of the Polish reforms.

Mentioned before Mr.Pankowski of Never Again, one of Mr.Waldie’s gurus, warns of the soaring “hate crimes” in Poland, “from a few per week to several a day, with many targeting visible minorities, homosexuals and even people who just look slightly dark.”

It is not clear where this information comes from and what is the definition of his hate crimes. But listen carefully:

In July 2016 3 (three!!!) million of young people from around the world, of different degrees of the slantness of the eye and of the skin color from white, yellow and red through all shades of brown all the way to pitch black, and of all possible sexes (forgot exactly how many we now have), gathered in Cracow to celebrate the World Youth Day. In any Western European country you would have bombs, violence, burning cars and tires, assaults, rape and murder. In Cracow, in contrast, there was no violence, no rioting, nobody got murdered, raped or even assaulted, and hundreds of thousands of the young people, who preferred closer interface with the locals, stayed FREE in private homes, surrounded by hospitality, tolerance, love and sympathetic curiosity. The visitors could not praise enough the Polish warm hospitality, freedom and safety they experienced in Poland. Do I need to add anything?

As to your sources, Messrs.Pankowski and Sierakowski, let me add one more comment. Their organizations, the Never Again and the Political Critique respectively, are NGOs of very suspicious sources of funding and, as we know, “who pays the piper calls the tune”. Political Critique, according to Mr.Sierakowski himself, is 90% foreign funded, all or part of it through George Soros’s Open Society Foundation, while Never Again’s sources of money is a mystery which they do not reveal. I stumbled upon an article on the Net suggesting that, until recently, they had a secret deal with the corrupt Polish soccer authority PZPN, whereby Never Again would report infractions on the part of players or soccer fans, particularly those with racial or anti-LGBT connotations (not uncommon in European stadiums), PZPN would then fine the guilty club and they would split the loot with Never Again. No comment on the moral standards here.

I wonder why these shady, marginal and small organizations, representing a very narrow, far left / neo-Communist fringe of the society, became the sources of wisdom and information for Globe & Mail. Their “revelations” clearly suggest that they either don’t themselves understand what is going on in Poland (very unlikely), or they simply lie (very likely).

The same would apply to the two right-wing nationalists, Messrs.Winnicki and Bosak, who are being quoted in the article. Their party has never elected a single deputy, and Mr.Winnicki got into the parliament on the coattails of another party, which he quit after having gotten elected, a somewhat questionable move.

Why not to interview someone from the political mainstream? From the ruling party? Konrad Szymanski, deputy foreign minister, is quoted, but I suspect, he was not actually interviewed by Mr.Waldie. As a matter of fact it seems to me, that the whole article is a product of Mr.Waldie’s armchair journalism.

I won’t even comment on the accusations of anti-Semitism. This big cannon is always brought forward against Poland. I would only mention that in our country, Canada, B’nai Brith reported some 1,730 anti-Semitic incidents in 2016. I am sure they didn’t miss a single one. One every 5 hours of the day and night. And this does not include incidents against other ethnic groups.

And let us remember, that our Canadian ethnic incidents are not just swastika-on-the-wall or a hush-hush consumption-of-a-Hitler’s-birthday-cake in the midst of a primeval forest, looking over one’s shoulder type, committed by half a dozen of semi-literate loonies. They often are murder. Wikipedia informs: “In 2016 Patricia Hajdu, the Canadian minister for the status of women, suggested that the total number of missing and murdered Indigenous women could be closer to 4,000.” The period in question is 1980 - 2012. If true, that gives us the rate of one indigenous woman murdered every 3 days.

It is not my intention to rub our collective Canadian nose in this smelly substance of ethnic violence. All I want to do is to bring some reflection, balance and humility into our media’s pontificating about these “barbaric” countries of Eastern Europe, which will require decades or perhaps centuries to achieve our Western level of civilized behaviour.

With this in view, the G&M’s taking a high moral ground position and lecturing Poland on ethnic tolerance sounds utterly brazen.

I will conclude my review of the article here and will not comment on the rest of the fake news in Mr.Waldie’s article, such as statements that Kaczynski brothers “broke with Solidarity”, that streets in Poland are renamed “to promote national pride”, that certain Marta Tondera was scared while participating in a counter-demonstration (nobody apparently touched her), etc., but let me summarize the comments.

Summary and Conclusion

The Globe and Mail participates in a systematic campaign of denigration of Poland and the Polish people. If you scan the archives of G&M for the word “Poland” and dismiss some reportings on sporting events and texts where Poland is barely mentioned, here is what you net for the last couple of months:

  • What happened to Poland? (this is Mr.Waldies story)
  • Why are Iron Curtain countries electing extremists?
  • EU tells Poland to reverse judicial reforms or face sanctions
  • While many fixate on swastika, insidious hatred is increasingly normalized
  • Democracy is threatened by dictatorship of geography
  • How to fight the far right
  • Polish president sharply condemns expression of xenophobia, racism at national march
  • Far right nationalists march in Warsaw draws 60,000

and so on.

All the above articles are highly critical of Poland and Polish society. Not a single positive article of any size. And, in my humble opinion, all these articles convey a biased, distorted information which can only be described as fake news. One wonders, why? Is it in the interest of Canada to write negatively about Poland? This is, obviously, not the case. Canada has all the reasons to maintain as friendly relations with Poland as possible. These reasons include military, economic and cultural considerations. Let’s look at them.

Poland and Canada are natural allies in terms of our geopolitical situation. The only conceivable threat the two countries face is Russia. Mr.Waldie says “Poland is hostile to Russia”. The word “hostile” implies aggressive. This is completely incorrect, a fake news. Neither Poland nor Canada have any reason to be hostile to Russia. NATO, to which they both belong, is a defensive organization. The only difference between Poland and Canada in their exercising of a rational approach to the defense against potential Russian aggression is that Poland, according to the NATO standards, spends 2% of its GDP on defence, and will increase this percentage to 2.5% soon, while our country, Canada, spends not quite 1%. This is in accord with our tradition of getting a bit of a free ride on the defense, and relying on the US and, today, even on Poland, for financing our mutual strength.

In terms of the military personnel, Canada can field, after the mobilization of both the active soldiers and the reserve, 90 thousand combat ready force. Poland can mobilize 700,000. Who is going to defend whom when the little green men land on, say, Baffin Island?

If, as it is clear, there are all reasons in the world for a close cooperation between the two countries, why would a Canadian paper be hostile to Poland and conduct some ridiculous, fake-news based propaganda war on our ally? Is it folly or treason?

The economy: Poland strongly supported the free trade deal between EU and Canada, while some other EU members were less enthusiastic. The deal is now in force and the door is open to much greater economic exchange between Poland and Canada. Does it mean nothing to The Globe and Mail? Is it in the interest of Canada to keep offending Poland, the policy which may, over a period of time, sour our relations with that country?

As you may know, Poland is sensitive on the point of its honor and reputation and is prepared to prosecute those, who smear it. This sensitivity was made more acute by the anti-Polish propaganda, such as yours, which for too long went unchecked.

The Globe and Mail is not the only medium which contributed to the fake, distorted picture of Poland. Only a day or two ago The Times of Israel  quoted Yair Lapid, an Israeli, a member of Knesset, the son of a Holocaust survivor, who tweeted:  

“I utterly condemn the new Polish law  which tries to deny Polish complicity in the Holocaust. It was conceived in Germany but hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered without ever meeting a German soldier. There were Polish death camps and no law can ever change that.”

This entirely false information, uttered by a member of Knesset, demonstrates a total ignorance of the Holocaust history and of the role of Poland and the Polish society in it, among the citizens of Israel, even those whose relatives were affected by the Holocaust. The power of fake news!

There are a million Canadians of Polish roots. These people are dismayed by the anti-Polish propaganda, which has been oozing from Canadian media over decades, against which there seemed to be no defence. The situation is changing, however. It is becoming more and more clear that the media do not govern themselves by the old rules of honesty, objectivity and truth. Nonchalant reproduction of international press agencies’ material,  or production of based on them compilations, as seems to be the case with M.Waldie’s article, is becoming a rule.

You can be sure, Mr.Walmsley, that from now on we, Polish Canadians, will fight fake news directed against our country of origin a lot more vigorously than in the past.


Stanislaw Zaborowski
1122 Normandy Crescent
Ottawa, ON, K2E 5A4

(613) 226-3747

Subject:     Konkurs na wybór projektanta polskiego eksponatu do nowej KG NATO
From:     Kucy Aleksandra <>

Szanowni Państwo,

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych ogłosiło konkurs na wybór projektanta polskiego eksponatu do nowej Kwatery Głównej NATO w Brukseli. Konkurs adresowany jest do obywateli polskich zamieszkałych w Polsce i za granicą.

Uprzejmie proszę o rozpowszechnienie tej informacji wśród potencjalnie zainteresowanych polskich architektów i artystów plastyków mieszkających w Ottawie i Kanadzie. W konkursie mogą wziąć udział artyści i architekci posiadający dyplom ukończenia artystycznej szkoły wyższej lub wydziału architektury szkoły wyższej, a także studenci artystycznych szkół wyższych i wydziałów architektury wyższych uczelni, którzy zaliczyli co najmniej trzy lata studiów.

Wszystkie informacje o konkursie oraz jego regulamin znajdują się na stronie internetowej MSZ:

·        Prace konkursowe wraz z wypełnionym formularzem zgłoszeniowym stanowiącym załącznik do regulaminu należy przesyłać w terminie do dnia 27 lutego 2018 r. do godz. 16:00 na adres:

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych
al. J. Ch. Szucha 23
00-580 Warszawa

z dopiskiem: Konkurs na wybór wykonawcy projektu eksponatu do Kwatery Głównej NATO

Wszelkie dodatkowe pytania prosimy kierować do Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych na adres

·        Serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie!

Z wyrazami szacunku,

Aleksandra Kucy

Konsul RP

Kierownik Referatu Konsularnego

Ambasada RP w Ottawie

Telefon: +1 (613) 789 0468, faks: +1 (613) 789 8835

Subject:     Fwd: Występ Kasi Sądej w Ottawie
Date:     Wed, 31 Jan 2018 12:48:26 -0500
From:     Ella Gajewska <>

Kasia Sądej przylatuje do Ottawy na występy wkrótce.

Jeden z większych to udział w operze " "Cendrillon czyli Kopciuszek"

Kasia będzie w roli księcia, bo taka jest rola dla mezzosoprano .

Występy 15, 17 i 18 lutego.  Bilety można kupić tutaj:

Inny występ będzie w środę 21go lutego 12:00 PM
Songs of Love and Sensuality by Debussy, Wagner and Lutoslawski    Recital with pianist Basia Bochenek
Southminster United Church Wednesday Noon Concert Series
Southminster United Church, 15 Aylmer Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (mapa)
wstęp dowolny czyli wolne datki "co kto da"

Link do filmu-video z II Sympozjum im. Oskara Haleckiego 27-28 X 2017

Dear Friends,

I would like sincerely thank you for your participation/contribution in/to the 2nd Oskar Halecki Symposium, 27-28 October 2017 titled: Polish Canadians Contribution to Canada: Commemorating Canada's 150th Anniversary. 

Finally we are able to present the film-video captured for the Oskar Halecki Institute in Canada during its proceedings.
This is the direct link to this material on the website called

Thank once more. 

God Bless you all.

Alexander M. Jablonski

Hanna Kepka
General Secretary

Oskar Halecki Institute in Canada

Wiadomości z Internetu


TV Republika można oglądać bezpłatnie na portalu tej stacji


Kancelaria Premiera: Oświadczenie premiera Mateusza Morawieckiego


Drodzy Rodacy, Szanowni Państwo,

Nasz Naród został naznaczony ogromnym cierpieniem podczas II Wojny Światowej. Cały kraj był pod niemiecką i sowiecką okupacją. Praktycznie każda polska rodzina opłakiwała stratę swoich najbliższych.

Polska była pierwszą ofiarą III Rzeszy. Śmierć i cierpienie w niemieckich nazistowskich obozach koncentracyjnych były wspólnym doświadczeniem Żydów, Polaków oraz wielu innych narodów.

Holocaust był niewyobrażalną zbrodnią. Próby jej negowania zawsze powinny spotykać się z jednoznacznym potępieniem. Polskie prawo od lat ściga osoby, które próbują zaprzeczać cierpieniom, jakich doświadczyły ofiary nazistowskiego terroru. Podobne rozwiązania funkcjonują w wielu innych krajach Europy i świata.

Kłamstwo oświęcimskie to nie tylko negowanie niemieckich zbrodni, ale również inne sposoby fałszowania historii. Jedną z najgorszych form tego kłamstwa jest pomniejszanie odpowiedzialności rzeczywistych sprawców – i przypisywanie tej odpowiedzialności ich ofiarom.

Chcemy walczyć z tym kłamstwem, w każdej jego postaci. Właśnie dlatego nowelizujemy ustawę o Instytucie Pamięci Narodowej.

Obozy, w których wymordowano miliony Żydów nie były polskie. Ta prawda musi być chroniona, ponieważ jest częścią prawdy o Holokauście.

Szanowni Państwo!

Nasz Rząd potępia wszystkie zbrodnie II wojny światowej popełnione na polskiej ziemi – bez względu na to, jakiej narodowości byli ich sprawcy i do jakiego narodu należały ofiary.

Nigdy nie będziemy ograniczać wolności debaty o Holokauście, jesteśmy to winni wszystkim, którzy go doświadczyli. 

Od lat robimy wiele, aby być strażnikiem pamięci o zbrodniach totalitaryzmów – zarówno na terytorium naszego kraju jak i poza jego granicami.

Obóz KL Mauthausen-Gusen był jednym z wielu niemieckich obozów koncentracyjnych. To kolejne miejsce obok sowieckiego Katynia, gdzie na masową skalę mordowano polską inteligencję. Ginęli tam też Żydzi i przedstawiciele innych narodów.

Po wojnie obóz zniszczono, a tam, gdzie znajdowała się jego brama – stanęła willa. Jednak dzięki polskiemu zaangażowaniu, pamięć o zbrodniczej przeszłości Gusen została uratowana.

Państwo polskie i Polacy dbają o to, by niemieckie obozy koncentracyjne przetrwały jako Świadectwo Męczeństwa Narodów – dla pamięci o zamordowanych i ku przestrodze żyjącym.

Walcząc z nieprawdziwymi twierdzeniami o udziale Państwa Polskiego w niemieckiej machinie zbrodni, Polska staje po stronie prawdy.

Drodzy Rodacy,

Holokaust był również niewyobrażalną polską tragedią. Wśród sześciu milionów polskich obywateli, którzy zginęli w czasie drugiej wojny światowej, trzy miliony ludzi pochodziło ze społeczności polskich Żydów. To powoduje, że Polska jak żadne inne z państw Europy ma obowiązek stać na straży prawdy o zbrodniach Holokaustu.

Dlatego nieustannie przypominamy światu o misji rotmistrza Pileckiego w Auschwitz, bohaterstwie Żegoty, polskiej organizacji ratującej Żydów, czy bezwzględnych karach Polskiego Państwa Podziemnego za denuncjowanie lub mordowanie Żydów. Kara śmierci dla Polaków ukrywających Żydów była dowodem na to, że niemieccy Naziści wiedzieli, że Polacy będą pomagać swoim żydowskim współbraciom.

To nasz Rodak, Jan Karski, próbował bezskutecznie obudzić sumienia zachodniej opinii publicznej, informując ją o niemieckich zbrodniach.

Rozumiemy emocje ze strony Izraela. Trzeba wiele pracy, abyśmy naszą wspólną, często skomplikowaną historię, potrafili opowiedzieć razem. Kultura Żydów Polskich jest nieodłącznym elementem naszego, polskiego Dziedzictwa.

Dziś, gdy świat znów zmaga się z problemem antysemityzmu, Polski Rząd mówi jasno: nie ma miejsca na nienawiść i zakłamywanie historii.

Szerzenie prawdy o Holokauście to nie tylko zadanie Izraela, to również zadanie Polski. To walka o uniwersalną prawdę, która jest przestrogą dla całego świata.

“The Globe and Mail” o Polsce
Nie pozostańmy obojętni wobec manipulacji światowych mediów, przedstawiających Polskę w bardzo niekorzystnym świetle. Protestujmy, pisząc listy do redakcji “The Globe and Mail”, po ostatniej publikacji na temat Polski – szczegóły poniżej.

Stefan Tompson - A Response to Israel

Proszę To Wyjaśnić 31.1.2018; J. Daniels, prezes Fundacji From The Depts
Czego boi się strona Izraelska? Czy boi się utraty monopolu na bycie ofiarą II wojny światowej? Dlaczego Pani ambasador teraz zabrała głos? O przyczynach kryzysu w stosunkach pomiędzy Polską, a Izraelem - Edyta Hołdyńska rozmawiała z J. Daniels'em, prezesem Fundacji From The Depts.

Gadowski: Komentarz Tygodnia: Brońmy godności Polski!

O wystąpieniu Anny Azari, reakcji polskiego rządu na jej słowa i relacjach polsko - izraelskich, a także o wyprawie Tomasz Mackiewicza i o próbach zakłamywania historii.

Żydowska policja w Gettcie Warszawskim

Więcej filmów z Getta pod:


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Gazeta Polska

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materiały video "GP"

  Polonia Institute
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TV Trwam
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Smolensk Crash News Digest   
  Witold Gadowski
Komentarze, artykuły
Mirosław Kokoszkiewicz

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Warszawska Gazeta
Doomed Soldiers
Portal Radia Wnet

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codziennie nowy materiał
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Wolne Związki Zawodowe Wybrzeża


Komunikaty Ottawskie - 1 lutego 2018