Niedziela, 30 stycznia 2022

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W dzisiejszym wydaniu

- Pogoda dla Ottawy
- Freedom Convoy 2022
- United we roll for Canada!
- URGENT: Action4Canada is Commencing a Nationwide Call to Action for Peaceful Non-Compliance
- Support "Freedom Convoy 2020" !


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Pogoda dla Ottawy

Poniżej pogoda z innej strony internetowej:

Dzisiaj kolejne wydanie specjalne, poświęcone Konwojowi Wolności 2022 (Freedom Convoy 2022).

Prawdopodobnie będzie trudno poruszać się po ulicach naszego miasta oraz znaleźć jakieś miejsce do zaparkowania. Może wspólna wyprawa z przyjaciółmi, żeby zmniejszyć liczbę aut na ulicach. Pewnie parkować trzeba będzie z dala od Parlamentu i dojść pieszo. Samochody z Konwoju będzie można widzieć prawdopodobnie wzdłuż wielu ulic wiodących do centrum. Wprowadzony został zakaz parkowania na ulicach na północ od Queensway (HWY 417). Skorzystaj z komunikacji publicznej, ale obawiam się, że także trudno będzie dotrzeć autobusami w okolice centrum. Działa LRT.

Policja apeluje o unikanie wjazdu do centrum Ottawy w czasie trwania protestu trakowców, który, zdaniem policji, może trwać wiele dni. Dodatkowym problemem będą kontrdemonstracje i prowokacje organizowane przez służby specjalne, z błogosławieństwem premiera Trudeau.

Główne wystąpienia przewidziane są na poniedziałek. Zobaczyć i usłyszeć będzie można pewnie nawet polityków kanadyjskich.

Jeśli masz możliwość, to przyjdź pod Parlament dzisiaj i jutro!
Przychodź w kolejne dni, jeśli ten protest będzie trwał dłużej.
Odwiedź uczestników Konwoju w którymś z miejsc parkowania i pomocy dla nich. Przynieś żywność i napoje. Może kanapki, czekolady, suchy prowiant, itp.

Jeśli będziesz mieć ciekawe zdjęcia lub filmiki, proszę umieszczaj na stronach mediów społecznościowych, żeby inni mogli zobaczyć. Oczy całego świata zwrócone są w tej chwili na Kanadę i Konwój Wolności. Oczywiście, oprócz innych globalnie ważnych tematów, sytuacji w rejonie Ukrainy. Redakcja KO otrzymuje wiele zapytań z całego świata o sytuację w Ottawie.

Podziel się z redakcją Komunikatów Ottawskich zdjęciami lub filmikami, szczególnie z akcentem polskim. Podaj link do swojego materiału lub podrzuć na  Z góry dziękuję za otrzymane materiały. Rozumiem, że automatycznie wszystkie otrzymane fotki i filmiki będą z prawem do ewentualnej publikacji. Proszę zaznaczyć, jeśli nie chcesz, żeby publikować nazwisko autora.

Kierowcy ciężarówek, którzy początkowo utworzyli konwój protestacyjny, aby przeciwstawić się federalnemu obowiązkowi szczepień przeciw COVID-19 dla transgranicznych kierowców ciężarówek, stali się dla społeczeństwa awatarem oporu. Społeczeństwo ma dość niekończących się blokad, nienaukowych ograniczeń i ciągłej demonizacji oraz dzielenia społeczeństwa przez polityków, media i niewybieralnych biurokratów zdrowia publicznego. W każdym mieście, przez które przejeżdżał konwój, rosło poparcie społeczne i rozmiar konwoju.

Kłamliwe informacje w mediach głównego nurtu podają, że niezadowolonych jest tylko 10% niezaszczepionych kierowców ciężarówek. Ten procent jest większy i jest w granicach 15-20%. Terrorysta Justin Trudeau szantażował i zmuszał do szczepienia praktycznie całe społeczeństwo. Mamy teraz około 78% Kanadyjczyków zaszczepionych, spośród których ogromny procent, kilkakrotnie większy niż osób nieszczepionych, było i jest przeciwnych obowiązkowym szczepieniom. Te osoby zostały zmuszone do zaszczepienia się, żeby móc podróżować, studiować lub utrzymać miejsce pracy, itd. Wśród trakowców ponad połowa z zaszczepionych, to osoby zmuszone. Dlatego, do Ottawy przyjechało więcej szczepionych niż nieszczepionych, żeby zaprotestować przeciw obowiązkowi szczepienia i paszportom kowidowym. Są tutaj nie tylko kierowcy, ale i służba zdrowia, policjanci, strażacy, pracownicy rządowi i firm prywatnych, itd.

Convoy organizers say they are fully vaxed but still oppose mandates

Speaking at a press conference for trustworthy media, organizers of the Freedom Convoy confirmed they are fully vaccinated but still oppose mandates — it's all about freedom.

In response to a question regarding compliance — why don't the truckers just shut up and get the vaccine — Benjamin Ditcher, one of the organizers of the convoy and GoFundMe page, said that there is a myriad of reasons to be against mandates, and even though he and the other organizers are vaccinated, they want Canadians to have the freedom to choose.

"Firstly, there's not one reason. We're all individuals. So, people have different reasons [for not getting the vaccine]. I have friends who had the first vaccine, and they had this major adverse reaction, and they started getting bruises all over them. They want to their doctor, and their doctor said 'You know what, just don't take the next one…'" Ditcher replied.

He goes on, confirming that he and the other organizers are fully vaccinated but would never want Canadians' to lose their freedom to choose.

NEW: Convoy organizers say that they have enough funds to keep trucks on Parliament Hill for 2 to 4 years.

   Photo: Benjamin Ditcher and Tamara Lich

Additionally, it has come out that two of the organizers, Benjamin Ditcher and Tamara Lich, are Jewish and Metis, respectively, which they don't think should matter at all — though, the mainstream media has tried to slander the movement as being somehow racist. They say this movement transcends all ethnicities, languages, etc., unifying Canadians across the board.


Wśród przybywających na protest do Ottawy jest wielu Polaków z Toronto i innych miast, włączając w to tych z B.C., Alberty i ze Wschodniej Kanady. Liczna grupa społeczności polonijnej związana jest z transportem. Niektóre polonijne firmy z okolic Toronto mają do 30 - 40 TIRów.

Andrzej Kumor, Goniec: "Przyjechałem tu po wolność dla moich dzieci"...

Reportaż z sobotniej demonstracji kierowców wielkich ciężarówek w obronie wolności obywatelskich i swobód politycznych przed budynkiem parlamentu w Ottawie. Rozmawiamy z polskimi truckerami. Idziemy przed parlament. Goniec dziękuje pp. Eli i Bogdanowi Gajewskim z Poland za wsparcie finansowe i gościnę.

HON. PIERRE POILIEVRE PC, MP, CARLETON welcomes truckers from the bridge in Stitttsville

Pierre Poilievre is a former Minister, a six-term Member of Parliament and currently the Conservative Shadow Minister for Jobs and Industry. Hon. Pierre Poilievre and Kris Grabkowski welcome Freedom Convoy 2022 from the bridge ovewr HWY 417 in Stittsville, ON.

Pierre Poilievre meets with truckers

Notice to all Freedom Convoy Truckers.
Please pass to the truckers.
If you would like to provide support, please bring to this location, too.
Free parking for 3,500 trucks, lodging accommodations and meals are being provided by The East Otatwa Volunteers Team in association with Adopt a Trucker.
Highwayy 417 East (Exit 88)
St Guillaume Road and Route 200
Embrun, ON

Two (2) fields all cleared of 80 and 50 acres
Ottawa East – Exit 88 Embrun
St-Guillaume Rd and Rte 200 with:
- shuttles to downtown
- food
- toilets
- tents with breakfast and dinner
For you to sleep or take a shower
Par/by: East Ottawa Volunteers Team & Adopt-A-Trucker

OTTAWA Support Centre for truckers at RCGT Park
Bring supplies, food, etc. Greet truckers
302 Coventry Rd, Ottawa, ON K1K 4P5

Video Of Massive Freedom Convoy Protest: ‘The Place Is Packed’

Cities across Canada join the movement

Cities and towns coast to coast are joining in on this historic day! Several vehicle + trucker convoys along with massive rallies across the nation. This IS the new Canada Day. We are ALL fringe and proudly unacceptable.

Poniżej warte obejrzenia video z The Remnant Underground TV.

Michael Matt pokazuje Klausa Schwaba. Według samego Schwaba oraz brata Justina Schwab jest osobą "prowadzącą na smyczy" Justina Trudeau. Schwab chwalił się już w roku 2017, że Trudeau i połowa jego Gabinetu to ludzie Schwaba. Dla tych, którzy nie wiedzą, kto to jest Klaus Schwab - jest to osoba na poniższym zdjęciu.

Photo: Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer and economist best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. 


The Remnant Underground TV:
Convoy of Patriots Rocks Canada

Watch vintage footage of Klaus Schwab bragging in 2017 that Canadian PM Justin Trudeau was once one of the World Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" as were, according to Schwab, half of Trudeau's cabinet right now. This explains everything!

In this special edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt puts the massive freedom convoy taking place north of the border this weekend into context, as it becomes an international symbol of freedom and lockdown fatigue worldwide.

As the PM of Denmark takes a page out of Boris Johnson’s playbook and lifts all mandates in Denmark, Michael speaks to the possibility that the globalist narrative is running out of diesel fuel. And if that happens, The Great Reset is DOA.

Standing with the truckers, Michael returns to his mantra—Resistance Is Not Futile—as he pledges prayers and best wishes to Canadian freedom fighters.

Don’t miss it! Near the end of this episode, Michael offers a heartfelt montage of Canadian children thanking the truckers for standing for them, which more or less says it all. This one actually is “for the children,” so let those truckers roll, 10-4!


EXCLUSIVE: Sit-down with Kyle Kemper, half brother and active critic of Justin Trudeau

Kyle Kemper — son of Fried Kemper and Margaret Trudeau and half-brother to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — describes himself as a visionary strategist, technologist, artist, and family man. He is 13 years younger than Justin.

Kemper identifies himself as a stanch evangelist and promoter of liberty and informed consent, including consent with regard to this experimental drug. He says that Justin is a pawn controlled by Klaus Schwab and others, in the interest of big corporations.

Justin's, and media comments show strong hate targeted towards unvaxed, to paint unvaxed as selfish, dangerous extremists, racists, etc. Let put them in the camps, let's force vaccinate them. He describes all the mechanism of controlling Justin's narrative in the media, including facebook and twitter, by using very sophisticated tools. They are waging psychological war on people who are trying to stand up, combined with the cancelling, discrediting, punishment of doctors and scientists who are speaking their truth, airing their concerns about many issues. There are so many different questions that demand serious inquiry and debate. They will not debate things, because it is difficult to debate lies. Don't even talk about it! For example climate change... science is settled, science is settled, no debate, time for a debate is over. That's a classic example of not wanting to talk about thing. There are good questions out there that warrant qualified discussion. We are at risk of entire population been hypnotised to a specific narrative, if you repeat lie enough times, then it becomes the truth in someone's mind. Then, you keep on repeating that, then the people will defend that lie. They will defend that narrative, by extolling hate, based on fear. So, the root of this is being fear.

I am only just a person. I am speaking my truth. I am doing best that I can. I am gonna stand up, in the words of Gandhi I am to be truthful, gentle and fearless. I don't wonna to come out trying to attack people. It is really to bring people together.

The divisive language that comes from your brother... would you say that he is guilty of a hate speech, with his comments that he has made?

I would say that it is one of the things that he is guilty for. He is violating all four agreements from a really impeccable book in my life, I would recommend to everybody to read - "Four agreements".

1st agreement: Be impeccable with your words.
2nd agreement: Don't make assumptions
3rd agreement: Don't take anything personally
4th agreement: Always do your best.

And honestly, Justin is violating all of the agreements, at every step at this pandemic. It's really frustrating for me, it hurts my heart. And he is coming after and trying marginalize. Who is Canadians?! It is enough for standing up. This trucker convoy, the energy. This is like flipside of this mass formation psychosis. People are just waiting for something. Maybe like 20% of the people are deeply hypnotised by this narrative, and 50% - 60% just follow-up, just go along - I will wear my face diaper at the store, because I don't wonna cause any trouble. I will get a vaccine, because I don't want to ruffle feathers. 20% to 30% oppose, out of them 10% deep distrust and against this in any wear, shape and form, and I am standing up and dissenting to it. It is really important that we have dissent in the opposition. That's why we have a Parliament. That's supposed to be opposition that stands up and says NO to this stuff. It doesn't seem that we have that. It seems that we have really soft Parliament, and also the foundation of it, they don't ask & answer any questions. They are asked tough questions and they don't answer them. They just give these terrible scripted answers

that are so transparent, that feels like being a part of general hypnosis.

When the more people stand up with this Convoy, this is like a spark to this gasoline soaked mattress.

So, output of this, hopefully, will be more awareness, etc.

View all at


MK Ultra: CIA mind control program in Canada - The Fifth Estate (from 1980)

Mind control experiments on human subjects at Montreal's Allan Memorial Institute were investigated by The Fifth Estate.

Starting in the late 1980s, both the CIA and the Canadian government became embroiled in lawsuits related to the programs and reached compensation settlements with many of the victims.


Don Cherry issues a statement on the trucker convoy headed to Ottawa.

He once again touched on a politically charged issue, perhaps one of the biggest in the country of Canada at the moment.
On Friday, Cherry issued a statement on the trucker convoy that is currently making its way to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise given that Cherry himself was born in Ontario. Cherry left no doubt that he stands firmly behind those protesting against government mandates in the country, putting his full support behind those participating in the movement.

"I am 100% behind the truckers," said Cherry as per the Toronto Sun. "They are salt of the earth and the heartbeat of the country."

Interestingly enough Cherry also revealed that he has been fully vaccinated, so his position on this matter is not something that comes from a desire to avoid being vaccinated. Instead, Cherry stated that his support for the convoy comes from his belief that every Canadian should have the right to make their own choices.

"It should always be a person’s own choice," added the former NHL head coach. "I have had three shots but it was my own decision. I did not tell anybody else what they should do and would never tell anybody what they should do. It’s up to them."

Cherry has always had a tremendous amount of respect for the men and women who fight in the Canadian Armed Forces and it seems that this has, at least partly, influenced him on this matter as well.

"Freedom of speech or choice, or how to vote, is why all of those soldiers died in wars,” said Cherry.

It wasn't just those driving to Ottawa that earned Cherry's admiration however, he also took the time to give a shout out to the Canadians who have supported the convoy by standing out in the freezing cold to cheer on the truckers as they make their journey.

"I am also impressed with all of the people out cheering on the highways and bridges," added Cherry. "They are out there offering lunches and pats on the back all across the country. It’s amazing. I mean that’s not easy. It’s -20C out there. And yet they are there to let the truckers know they are with them."

The movement has made headlines around the world and as a result many truckers from the United States of America have made the journey up north to join the Canadian convoy. Convoys have also sprouted up in other countries around the world as well, including Italy and Australia.

Many, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, have been critical of the convoy making its way to Ottawa so Cherry is once again taking a risk here by speaking out. Given that he has already been removed from the NHL broadcast however I would suspect that he isn't particularly concerned about the backlash he may face over these comments.


From RebelNews:
Volunteers gather massive food donations for Freedom Convoy
The food donations were so massive that the organizers had allotted 'stations' in which they prepared bags upon bags of goods to aid the truckers in their journey and subsequent hunker down initiative in the nation’s capital.
Positivity abound in Ottawa and beyond: A quick look at today's events
After a week of immense anticipation, the convoy arrived in Ottawa to massive crowds and support, and was backed by cross-country solidarity protests and convoys.

Convoy Reports
Following the federal government's announcement of a cross-border vaccine mandate, a coalition of Canadian truckers are en route from B.C. to Ottawa to protest COVID restrictions in the nation's capital.

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URGENT: Action4Canada is Commencing a Nationwide Call to Action

for Peaceful Non-Compliance

Since the onset of the COVID-19 FRAUD two years ago, Action4Canada has been on the front line advising Canadians that the government’s measures are unlawful and urging citizens to not comply.

With the momentum of the Truck Convoy growing daily and the show of massive support nationwide now is the time for ALL workers, in every sector, to take a stand. This includes business owners, church leaders, municipal, provincial and federal workers, workers from the private sectors, volunteers…everyone needs to unite in solidarity to fight for a common goal…FREEDOM!

So many Canadians have lost their jobs over the illegal mandates demanding they get the jab, test, mask or provide their medical information. Enough is Enough!

On Monday January 31st Action4Canada is calling on all workers to walk off the job.

Teachers, city workers, transit workers, provincial and federal workers are all in a very powerful position to disrupt the government’s agenda. We are also calling on healthcare workers but only if it does not put patient’s care at risk.

We are calling on business owners and staff and church leaders to cease and desist enforcing vax passes and masks.

And, we are calling on ALL citizens, especially parents with children, to take OFF the mask!

Be sure to sign up and join Action4Canada’s Workers Unite Group to receive the resources and support you need to stay lawfully open and employed!

Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

379 Waverley St.

Szanowni Państwo:

Z dniem 1-go lutego otwieramy ponownie Dom Polski SPK dla osób co najmniej podwójnie zaszczepionych, oraz niezaszczepionych legitymujących się ważnym zaświadczeniem, że nie zaszczepili się z powodów zdrowotnych.
Po przekroczeniu progów Domu SPK należy wpisać się na umieszczoną przy drzwiach wejściowych listę obecności z podaniem numeru telefonu. Należy również skorzystać z wystawionych środków do dezynfekcji rąk.
W środy otwarta będzie o zwykłej porze biblioteka SPK i bar.

Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie i do zobaczenia w Domu Polskim SPK
Jerzy Kulczycki - Prezes Koła

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Once again, we will be re-opening the Polish Hall on February 1 for individuals who are at least double vaccinated. For those unvaccinated, they must provide a valid certificate that they have not been vaccinated for health reasons.
Upon entering the Hall, please sign the attendance list at the entrance door with your telephone number. You should also use the hand sanitizer available on the desk.
On Wednesdays, the Library and  bar will be open at the usual time.
Greetings to all, and hope to see you at the Polish Hall.
Jerzy Kulczycki – Branch President

To our Fellow Canadians, the time for political over reach is over.  Our current government is implementing rules and mandates that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries and livelihoods.  Canadians have been integral to the fabric of humanity in many ways that have shaped the planet.

We are a peaceful country that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here. We are taking our fight to the doorsteps of our Federal Government and demanding that they cease all mandates against its people. Small businesses are being destroyed, homes are being destroyed, and people are being mistreated and denied fundamental necessities to survive. It's our duty as Canadians to put an end to this mandates.  It is imperative that this happens because if we don't our country will no longer be the country we have come to love.  We are doing this for our future Generations and to regain our lives back.

We are asking for Donations to help with the costs of fuel first, and hopefully food and lodgings to help ease the pressures of this arduous task.

It's a small price to pay for our freedoms.  We thank you all for your Donations and know that you are helping reshape this once beautiful country back to the way it was.

In order for your generous donations to flow smoothly, the good people at Go Fund Me will be sending donations directly to our bulk fuel supplier and are working out the details now which means your hard earned money is going to straight to who it was meant for and need not flow through anyone else.   Any left over donations will be donated to a credible Veterans organization which will be chosen by the donors.
  • Money raised will be dispersed to our Truckers to aid them with the cost of the journey
  • Funds will be spent to help cover the cost of fuel for our Truckers first and foremost, will be used to assist with food if needed and contribute to shelter if needed
Collection as of Jan 28, 2022 at 7:50 PM

Dodać można, że sam koszt paliwa dla TIR-a na trasie Vancouver - Ottawa - Vancouver to jest około 5,5 tys. dolarów.

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China Olympics: Eight Polish athletes have tested positive and have gone into isolation

China reports 34 new COVID-19 cases among Games-related personnel
Of those, 13 were athletes or team officials who tested positive after arriving at the airport on Saturday.

Maliszewska is the eighth Polish athlete to have tested positive and has gone into isolation, the Polish Olympic Committee said on Sunday. She joins infected fellow speedskaters Natalia Czerwonka, Magdalena Czyszczon and Marek Kania in isolation.

Thirty-four new COVID-19 infections were detected among Olympics-related personnel, the Beijing 2022 Winter Games organizing committee said on Sunday, including Poland's short track medal hopeful Natalia Maliszewska.

With the 500m heats set to start on Saturday, Maliszewska is in a race against time to compete. Athletes who test positive and show no symptoms are to be discharged from isolation only if they provide two consecutive negative tests 24 hours apart.

Komunikaty Ottawskie - 30 stycznia 2022