Czwartek, 9 czerwca 2022

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Msza św. "na żywo" w Saint Hyacinth Parish Ottawa

W dzisiejszym wydaniu

- Pogoda dla Ottawy.
- Siatkarska reprezentacja Polski mężczyzn rozgrywa w Ottawie mecze Ligii Narodów 2022
- Bal Wiosenny parafii Św. Jacka - 11 czerwca 2022, godz. 18:30
- Spotkanie z Marszałek Sejmu RP Elżbietą Witek
       w Domu Polskim SPK, w poniedziałek, 13 czerwca 2022 o godz. 18:15
- Tribute Concert to Jadwiga Domańska, Luba Pope, Rev. Fr. Kosian
- Presentation of Letters of Credence Ceremony at Rideau Hall
      His Excellency Witold Mirosław Dzielski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, 
      presented his letter to Her Excellency Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada.
- Wybory w Ontario - wyniki koncowe
- Wspierajmy polonijne biznesy! Róbmy zakupy w sklepach polonijnych!
- Poszukiwana osoba do pracy z autystycznym dzieckiem
- Polka oferuje swoje usługi jako paralegal i notariusz w Ottawie
- Kanata Farmers' Market zaprasza
- Komunikaty Parafii Św. Jacka Odrowąża w Ottawie.

Ogłaszaj się w Komunikatach Ottawskich
Wszystkie ogłoszenia są bezpłatne.
Imprezy, wydarzenia, nekrologi, usługi, itp.
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Pogoda dla Ottawy

Poniżej pogoda z innej strony internetowej:

Siatkarska reprezentacja Polski mężczyzn
rozgrywa w Ottawie mecze Ligii Narodów 2022

W dniach 7 do 12 czerwca 2022 rozgrywane są w Ottawie mecze siatkarskie Ligii Narodów 2022. Jedną z drużyn będzie reprezentacja Polski.

Nie będzie w Ottawie meczu Polska - Kanada, więc wiemy komu musimy kibicować. Oczywiście, że na meczach drużyny kanadyjskiej kibicujemy Kanadzie.

Polska! Polska! Polska!
Mamy okazję dopingować polską drużynę, więc skorzystajmy z niej!
Zapraszamy Polonię z innych miast, także zza naszej południowej granicy!
Zapełnijmy trybuny polonijnymi kibicami w czasie meczów polskiej reprezentacji!
Oczywiście, pamiętajmy również o polskich barwach narodowych - flagi, szaliki, stroje, itd.!


Bilet na pojedynczy mecz jest ważny na wszystkie mecze danego dnia.

Polacy rozegrali swój pierwszy mecz wczoraj, w środę 8 czerwca, pokonując Argentynę 3:0!

Na widowni byli widoczni kibice w polskich kolorach oraz polskie flagi. Jednym z kibiców był Ambasador RP Witold Dzielski. Może więcej pojawi się na kolejnych meczach.

Poniżej screenshot ze strony pani Beaty na FB:

Migawkę z meczu oraz fotkę zamieścił również na FB Ambasador Dzielski

Pozostałe mecze Polaków:
  • Dzisiaj, czwartek, 9 czerwca, godz. 7:30 PM z Włochami
  • Sobota, 11 czerwca, godz. 4:00 PM z Bułgarią
  • Niedziela, 12 czerwca, godz. 11:00 AM z Francją

Polska! Polska! Polska!

       Elżbieta Witek

Spotkanie z Marszałek Sejmu RP Elżbietą Witek
w Domu Polskim SPK
w poniedziałek, 13 czerwca 2022 o godz. 18:15

Ze względu na ograniczoną liczbę miejsc, prośba o zgłaszanie chęci udziału w spotkaniu
na adres e-mail:


Maria Knapik
is delighted to invite you to a Tribute Concert celebrating
Jadwiga Domańska, Luba Pope, Rev. Fr. Kosian
and other people to
whom we want to pay tribute

The evening concert, under the patronage of Saint Hyacinth Roman Catholic Polish
Church, will include solo and ensemble performance of classical favorites such as:
Ave Maria Schubert; Panis Angelicus C. Franzk; Pie Jesu Webber;

Granada Agustin; Libiamo Verdi, among others, presented by the Knapik Singers:
Thomas Franzky, John Steel, Sean Wei, Ying Birks, Maria Anca Grigoriu,

Rhona Miller, Willy Venkatarangam, Belcanto Childrens Choir.

Accompanists: Philip Konopka, (piano), Kevin Andrew (guitar).

The concert will take place on:
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022 - 7:30 p.m.
Saint Hyacinth Roman Catholic Polish Church (map)
201 Lebreton St. N, Ottawa.
We will be honouring two extraordinary women, Jadwiga Domanska who lived through turbulent times and whose many lasting accomplishments are still being enjoyed today and Luba Pope, one of the music worlds most talented and giving musicians who filled her life and the countless lives of others with the joy of music and Fr. R. Kosian (OMJ) who served as a pastor at St. Hyacinth’s parish in Ottawa from 1982 to 1994.

Free will offering is appreciated.

Net revenue will be sent to the ALMA SPEI HOME HOSPICE for Children in Kraków, ul. Dożynkowa 88a.

We hope you will be able to join us to celebrate this Season of new beginnings.


Maria Knapik,

Artistic Director

Jadwiga Domańska was born in Poland in 1907 and after graduating from the National Drama School in Warsaw appeared in many theaters throughout Poland. Her career was interrupted by the Second World War during which time she served as a secret courier for the Polish Armed struggle. Arrested by the Soviets, she spent almost two years in a Siberian prison. Upon her release she joined the Polish Army under General Anders where she organized the Polish Drama Theater.

Anders’ Army, as it was known, marched through the Middle East – Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt and fought in the battle of Monte Casino in Italy. Mrs. Domańska travelled this entire route with the army and staged plays for the troops and Gen. Anders whenever and wherever she could.

At the end of the war she was able to re-unite with her husband, Lutek, and daughter, Bożeną, in England. The family then came to Canada in 1960 and she immediately began to promote Polish culture by directing dozens of theatrical plays and setting up academies for teaching and preserving Polish artistic achievements.

For instance, in Ottawa Mrs. Domańska served two terms as President of the Polish Women’s Federation, Chapter 8; was active with the Polish Combatants Association; was in charge of the Polish Television Program for seven years and even started up a Poetry and Prose Recitation contest.

For 30 years, beginning in 1966, she was director of the Ottawa Polish Theater Club with the help of her beloved husband Lutek. Mrs. Domańska received many honours for her work in the field of culture among them the prestigious Officer’s Cross, Polonia Restituta. It is through her tireless dedication, boundless energy, iron clad determination and overall talent that the Theater Club continues to operate today and even thrive.  And in her memory and honour, the name has been changed to Jadwiga Domańska Ottawa Polish Theater.

Luba Sluzar (aka Luba Bauer and Luba Sluzar-Pope) - concert pianist, humanitarian and collector of beauty. It is intended that those who knew and loved her, whose lives were enriched by her, her students, colleagues and friends will gather to remember her and to honour her life's work.

One of the music world’s most talented and giving musicians died September 10, 2014 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Well-known concert pianist and music teacher Luba Sluzar Pope filled her life and the countless lives of others with the joy of music.

Born in Montreal to Reverend Volodymyr and Leonia Sluzar, Luba began playing the piano at the age of four on a piano that was donated to the family by one of her father’s parishioners. She studied music in Vienna alongside Zubin Mehta. Maestro Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Italy’s most famous pianist, upon hearing Luba play at a summer music camp, invited her to be his student which she was for several years.

At Wellington School Board in Guelph she took to new heights the music program for over 50 schools. She mentored the Canadian Brass. As a volunteer she created pre-concerts at the National Arts Centre, developed a music series at the Museum of Nature and National Gallery of Canada. For years Luba took under her wing piano students who shared her love of music, including many adults. A highlight of her career was helping a senior citizen reclaim her life through music.

Luba was awarded the 1995 "Women of Distinction Award / Prix femmes de mérite" for her outstanding contribution to Arts and Culture in Ottawa.

I invite you to visit the Friends of Luba Sluzar Facebook page is

Ojciec Ryszard Kosian, OMI (1932 – 2017)

Urodził się 14 stycznia 1932 roku w Trawnikach, województwo opolskie, w rodzinie Sykstusa i Gertrudy z d. Polak. Naukę w Niższym Seminarium Duchownym w Lublińcu rozpoczął w 1947 roku, nowicjat odbył w Markowicach na Pomorzu a studia teologiczno-filozoficzne w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Obrze. Swięcenia kapłanskie przyjął 22 czerwca 1958 roku. Posługę kapłańską sprawował w parafiach w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, Zieleńcu i Ulimie.

Do Kanady przybył w 1969 roku. Pracę duszpasterską sprawował w parafiach: św. Różańca (Edmonton, 1969-1972), św. Stanisława Kostki (Toronto), św. Kazimierza (Toronto), św. Jacka Odrowąża (Ottawa) i Matki Boskiej Nieustającej Pomocy (St. Catharines). W ostatnim okresie swojego życia był rezydentem w parafii św. Stanisława Kostki w Toronto.

Oprócz pracy duszpasterskiej Ojciec Kosian podejmował się wielu innych obowiązków. Uczestniczył w przygotowaniach do spotkania Polonii kanadyjskiej z Ojcem Świętym Janem Pawłem II i przewodniczył temu spotkaniu na stadionie CNE w Toronto, podczas pielgrzymki papieskiej do Kanady w 1984 roku.

Do Ottawy przybył w październiku 1982 roku. Z jego inicjatywy zostały wprowadzone zmiany w wystroju kościoła św. Jacka. Posługa kapłańska Ojca Kosiana w Ottawie przypadła na czas stanu wojennego w Polsce i związaną z tym falą nowej emigracji, zwanej solidarnościową. Pomagał nowo przybyłym z wielką życzliwością, a parafia była miejscem, gdzie otrzymywano konkretną pomoc i dobrą radę.

Ojciec Ryszard Kosian opuścił Ottawę w 1994 roku.

Był miłośnikiem muzyki i malarstwa. Pisał sztuki teatralne i wiersze. Pierwszy ich tomik opublikował w 1997 roku, a dochód z niego przeznaczył w całości na budowę Kolegium Jana Pawła II przy Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim.

Zmarł 14 marca 2017 roku w Toronto.

Więcej informacji o O. Ryszardzie można znaleźć na stronie:

You Don’t Just Lose Someone Once

You lose them over and over,
sometimes many times a day.
When the loss, momentarily forgotten,
creeps up,
and attacks you from behind.
Fresh waves of grief as the realisation hits home,
they are gone.

You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every time you open your eyes to a new dawn,
and as you awaken,
so does your memory,
so does the jolting bolt of lightning that rips into your heart,
they are gone.

Losing someone is a journey,
not a one-off.
There is no end to the loss,
there is only a learned skill on how to stay afloat,
when it washes over.
Be kind to those who are sailing this stormy sea,
they have a journey ahead of them,
and a daily shock to the system each time they realise,
they are gone,

You don’t just lose someone once,
you lose them every day,
for a lifetime.

© Donna Ashworth Words

Presentation of Letters of Credence Ceremony at Rideau Hall.

His Excellency Witold Mirosław Dzielski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, presented his letter to Her Excellency Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada.

His Excellency Witold Mirosław Dzielski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, presents his letter to Her Excellency.
Photo credit: MCpl Anis Assari, Rideau Hall

June 7, 2022

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, welcomed seven new heads of mission to Canada during a ceremony at Rideau Hall.

Photo credit: MCpl Anis Assari, Rideau Hall
The following new heads of mission presented their credentials (from left to right on the above picture):
His Excellency Hector Igarza Cabrera
Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba

Her Excellency Yuliia Kovaliv
Ambassador of Ukraine

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada)

His Excellency Carlos Alberto Patricio Játiva Naranjo
Ambassador of the Republic of Ecuador

His Excellency António Manuel Torres Domingues Leão Rocha
Ambassador of the Portuguese Republic

His Excellency Witold Mirosław Dzielski
Ambassador of the Republic of Poland

His Excellency Kanji Yamanouchi
Ambassador of Japan

His Excellency Zaheer Aslam Janjua
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Upon their arrival in Canada, new heads of mission must present their letters of credence to the governor general before they can carry out their duties. Letters of credence are the official documents that accredit a diplomat as an ambassador or high commissioner to another country.

Speech by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada


I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered at Rideau Hall, which sits on the unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people.

Welcome all of you to your new roles, ambassadors from Cuba, Ukraine, Ecuador, Portugal, Poland, Japan and Pakistan.

Our stories help define us, shape us into who we are. Collectively, our stories create communities and countries.

Let me tell you my story.

I was born in Nunavik, in northern Quebec. I grew up learning the traditions of the Inuit from my parents and grandmother. We would fish, hunt and gather food. We travelled by boat and by dog team. I eagerly learned our legends and spoke our language, Inuktitut.

I carry the story of Inuit with me wherever I go.

I urge you to learn Canada’s story while you’re here. Learn about our diverse communities. Learn about our Indigenous communities. Learn the truth of Canada’s history, the good and the bad.

And make sure to tell your stories as well.

I’m eager to learn about your stories and your countries. Because when you get to know me, and I get to know you, we can better understand, respect and empathize with each other.

That is particularly vital as we face many global challenges.

Of course, there is the ongoing pandemic and the continuing physical and mental toll that is taking. There is climate change and an increased impact of disastrous climate events.

And there is the effect of conflict around the world.

We have with us today the ambassador for Ukraine, whose country is going through unimaginable trauma. The stories emerging from this war have rightly sparked condemnation and outrage. I encourage all of us to listen to these stories, because the stories of war are above all else human stories. To place ourselves in the shoes of soldiers and volunteers risking their lives in battle. To think about ordinary citizens, about children and families hoping to stay safe. To hear the plight of people fleeing their homes to seek refuge in other countries. Let us all listen and try to understand the consequences of war.

These challenges aren’t easy. We may disagree and have hard conversations on what to do and the way forward. But they need to take place. They are necessary. Every step we take—every conversation we have, no matter how difficult—brings us that much closer to solutions, to consensus, to peace and security.

Our world is changing, but despite all the challenges, I have hope that tomorrow can be better if we work together to achieve it. How we address these crises will determine our future. I know that we can’t give up.

I hope that during your time here in Canada, you can have conversations with Canadians about all these issues.

There is a word in Inuktitut: ajuinnata. It means a promise, a vow to never give up. It means committing ourselves to action, no matter how daunting the cause may be.

Let us all commit ourselves to persevering against all odds and to working together for the good of our citizens and the world.

All of us here are part of the solution, and I'm grateful to you for your support, your efforts and your continued friendship.

Thank you.

Osoby towarzyszące Ambasadorowi Dzielskiemu w uroczystości przekazania listów uwierzytelniających

Photo credit: Ambasada RP. Od lewej: Krzysztof Lewandowski - I Radca Ambasady, Krzysztof Książek - Attaché Obrony, Karolina Willmann-Duralska - I Sekretarz, Dominik Roszak - KPK, Jolanta Gronowski - Prezeska KPK Manitoba, Damien C. Kurek - poseł/MP, Ambasador Witold Dzielski, Magdalena Pszczółkowska - Konsul Generalna w Toronto, Natalia Kubik - Konsul RP w Ottawie, Dariusz Wiśniewski - Konsul Generalny w Montrealu

Photo credit: Ambasada RP.

Photo credit: Ambasada RP.   Ambasador Dzieslki, Yuliia Kovaliv - Ambassador Ukrainy w Kanadzie

Wybory w Ontario - wyniki końcowe

2022 Ontario general election
June 2, 2022
Official final results

The 2022 Ontario general election was held on June 2, 2022, to elect Members of the Provincial Parliament to serve in the 43rd Parliament of Ontario.

Premier Doug Ford was re-elected and will be serving his second term in this position. The Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario have secured 83 of 124 seats in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario — which results in them forming a majority government for the second term in a row.
  • The Progressive Conservative Party has been elected in 83 ridings across Ontario.
  • The Ontario New Democratic Party has secured the second highest number of seats in the Legislative Assembly at 31 seats and will therefore form the Official Opposition.
  • The rest of the Legislative Assembly will be made up as follows:
    • the Ontario Liberal Party will see 8 of their representatives serve as Members of Provincial Parliament;
    • the Green Party will see 1 representative serve as Member of Provincial Parliament;
    • and 1 independent candidate was elected as well.
The popular vote as of June 3, 2022 is as follows:
  • Progressive Conservative Party: 40.8%
  • New Democratic Party: 23.7%
  • Liberal Party: 23.8%
  • Green Party: 6%

There are a number of interesting takeaways including:

  • Voter turnout was approximately 43.5%, which is a record-low in history.
  • Despite what many falsely predicted to be a comeback election for the Liberals, the Ontario Liberal Party was only able to gain one seat since the 2018 election, meaning that once again the party failed to achieve official party status (which requires a minimum of 12 seats); Most likely, the major factor for the poor performance of the Liberals and NDP are their polices with regard to the violation of human rights, introduction of the State of War, federal vaccination mandates and firing of unvaxed people. Both, Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh are personally responsible for the final outcome of Ontario elections. False predictions are a direct result of financing received from the government for making election propaganda.
  • The Progressive Conservative Party gained 7 seats compared to 2018, including in the riding of Timmins, which had been held by the NDP since 1990. Surprisingly, PC Party gained new seats in the GTA area. "Hindu City" Brampton voted PC, protesting Jagmeet Singh coalition with Trudeau.
  • Both major opposition leaders, Andrea Horwath of the Ontario New Democratic Party and Steven Del Duca of the Ontario Liberal Party announced that they would be resigning as leaders of their respective parties. Steven Del Duca had been leader of the party since 2020 whereas Andrea Horwath has led the NDP since 2009.
  • One Independent candidate was elected in Haldimand-Norfolk. Voters in Haldimand-Norfolk have elected independent candidate Bobby Ann Brady in the 2022 Ontario election. Bobbi Ann has been a provincial and national gold medalist in the sport of kickboxing and has represented Canada on the world stage. An independent candidate who had never run for a seat at Queen's Park before won big on Thursday night, ending the Progressive Conservatives decades-long hold of the rural, southern Ontario riding Haldimand-Norfolk. Bobbi Ann Brady emerged from election night as the first woman to be elected as an independent MPP without a past win with a political party. She is also the only independent candidate elected as an MPP in the 2022 election. The Haldimand-Norfolk riding was previously held by longtime PC MPP Toby Barrett. Instead of running for an eighth term, Barrett suggested Brady, his former executive assistant, take his place.

Wspierajmy polonijne biznesy!
Róbmy zakupy w sklepach polonijnych!

Przekaż informację o polskich sklepach swoim kanadyjskim znajomym.

Kupuj w sklepach polonijnych!
Korzystaj z usług polonijnych biznesów!

Zatrudniaj osoby ze społeczności polonijnej, jeśli spełniają twoje wymagania!

Poszukiwana osoba do pracy z autystycznym dzieckiem

Praca ta jest w języku angielskim, czyli osoba powinna być tutaj urodzona albo przyjechała jako dziecko.

Mam nadzieję, że rodzice albo dziadkowie, którzy czytają Komunikaty Ottawskie, mogą polecić tą pracę dzieciom albo wnukom.

Proszę dzwonić
Barbara 613-733-5281 home, 613-277-1844 cell

WORK with special needs young person
who is easy to work with

practicing / developing Language skills

Please call Barbara           
613-733-5281 home, 613-277-1844 cell

Goth Ave & Albion Rd area (map)
Flexible time and hours, 6-10 or more/week
Pay negotiable (starts at $18/h)
Requirement:   Being calm and patient

I am looking for somebody to work with my son. The money comes from March of Dimes and there were usually students who worked with him.

I "train" them how to work with an Autistic person and usually it works quite well  so no previous experience is necessary.

English has to be the first language of the person that works with him due to certain Autistic features. The level of language exercises is Preschool, grade 1 or 2.

If you know anybody who would be interested please give them my email and phone #. 

Polka oferuje swoje usługi jako paralegal i notariusz w Ottawie

Jestem licencjonowana w Law Society of Upper Canada i udzielam pomocy w Small Claim Court, Landlord and Tenant Board and Assessment Review Board.

Dodatkowo specjalizuję się w obniżaniu podatków od nieruchomości komercjalnych i we wszystkich sprawach dotyczących opodatkowania municypalnego.

Prowadzę działalność
w Ottawie w powyższym zakresie od 34 lat.

Monika Cholewa
613 255 7390

Kanata Farmers' Market zaprasza

w każdą sobotę do 29 października 2022,
w godzinach 9:00 do 15:00
745 Kanata Ave., Kanata (w pobliżu Best Buy) (mapa)

Kanata Farmers' Market offers a great selection of products. It’s a great place to enjoy a wide variety of goods, produced and distributed by locals.

We believe in providing our shoppers with quality products as well as outstanding service.

We offer everything from: honey, breads, baked goods, apples, meats, eggs, all types of fruits and vegetables, jams and jellies and the list goes on. It’s a great place to come get your weekly groceries knowing it’s the freshest you’ll ever find and it comes straight from a local producer.

Our commitment to our customers is that all products at the market are produced directly by the vendors and are of the highest quality. Our producers are among the best at what they do and come each week to offer you their freshest products.

See you at the market!

Komunikaty Parafii Św. Jacka Odrowąża w Ottawie

Od 20 marca prowadzimy sprzedaż kawy i ciasta po Mszach św. Jest to możliwość powrotu do spotkań i rozmów w naszej sali parafialnej.
Poszukujemy chętnych do pomocy w przygotowaniu kawy i ciast. Chętnych prosimy o zgłaszanie się do O. Proboszcza. Zapraszamy !
UWAGA:  Nie będzie mszy św. w dniach 7 do 10 czerwca 2022 (wtorek - piątek).
Jeśli masz któreś z objawów wirusa lub przeziębienia - zostań w domu i uczestnicz we mszy św. transmitowanej na żywo:

Zostań w domu, jeśli kaszlesz, kichasz, masz podwyższoną temperaturę
lub twoje samopoczucie jest pogorszone.

Strona internetowa parafii Św. Jacka Odrowąża w Ottawie
Biuro parafialne 613-230-0804
Biuro jest zamknięte, ale można kontaktować się telefonicznie lub przez e-mail.
Adres:   201 LeBreton St. North, Ottawa, ON K1R 7H9
Odwiedzaj stronę w celu uzyskania najnowszych informacji, w tym o mszach świętych transmitowanych z kościoła Św. Jacka Odrowąża w Ottawie drogą internetową.

Parafia Św. Jacka jest także na facebook
Tam również znajdziesz bieżące informacje.

Transmisja Mszy Świętych z kościoła Św. Jacka Odrowąża w Ottawie
Msza święta (Saint Hyacinth Parish Ottawa)

Będą transmitowane wszystkie msze święte dla osób, które nie mają możliwości przyjścia do kościoła z uzasadnionych powodów. Poniżej godziny regularnych mszy świętych:
  • dni powszednie (wtorek – piątek)  godz.19:00
  • niedzielne msze święte: sobota 17:00; niedziela godz. 8:00 (polska), 9:30 (ang), 11:00 i 12:30 po polsku.
Archiwum mszy świętych:

Wpłaty "na tacę" i inne datki na cele parafii poprzez parafialną witrynę internetową
Przy obecnych restrykcjach, praktycznie jedynymi metodami, którymi możemy wspomagać naszą parafię są datki poprzez internetową stronę Paypal, czeki wysłane pocztą lub wrzucone do skrzynki przy plebanii.

W celu złożenia datku "na tacę" należy kliknąć na stronie na "Ofiara na kościół" w prawym górnym rogu 

Wiadomości z Internetu

Chcesz mieć codzienny kontakt z Komunikatami Ottawskimi (KO)
- dołącz do friends lub kliknij na guzik "follow"

Komunikaty Ottawskie - 9 czerwca 2022